The past few months have been crazy around our house. From January until last week, we literally had an event every single night. My chiropractor usually gets a visit around this time of year due to my bleacher back! Having three kids that are involved in many activities can make for busy days! I have had many people ask why I don't make them cut back on their involvement, why we do it, why I feel like I have to be at every event, etc. While the past few months have been insane, sometimes leaving the house at 8am and not getting home until 10:30pm, thousands of miles on the car, gas money that could be saved to put my kids through college, countless hours in the bleachers, wearing purple shirts for two months, sometimes wearing the same slacks to work two days in a row because I hadn't been home to do laundry, eating so much fast food it makes me ill to think about....
Kaitlyn is crowned 2013 Miss Peoria Metro Outstanding Teen and advances to compete for Miss Illinois Outstanding Teen in the Miss America Organization. Khloe finishes out her 8th grade season of volley ball and celebrates on 8th grade night. Drew completes a very successful basket ball season and sees the end of Park District ball with his team. |
but these are the moments. These are the successes. The reached goals. The friendships and relationships that they will make along the way. The memories that will last a life time. The confidence gained. The structure needed. The hard work paid off. The hours invested worth it. This is why I do it.
I will be there for my kids. I will sit in the stands, I will sit in the hard bleachers 7 days a week, I will scream louder than the other moms, I will embarrass you when I yell your name, I will always be there.
Right now we are in the season of go go go. They are all three moving in fast forward in three different directions. It can make one weary and tired and it can even make a husband feel a little left out. These days will soon be over. I am blessed to have these little souls with me for such a very short time. One day, and it will come sooner that I like, they will move on with their lives and it will be just me and Rich. One day, they will be gone and I won't have car pool to drive or games to be at, so for now, I will be at every one. So for now, I will soak it all in and be thankful that I am able to encourage them to be successful and chase their dreams and let them now that I will be there every step of the way supporting them.
We had a very exciting weekend as Kaitlyn was crowned 2013 Miss Peoria Metro Outstanding Teen! This is a local preliminary pageant for the Miss America Organization. She will go on to compete for the state title in June! So proud of her!
We were pulled over for a taillight that was out and this cop was great!! He let us off with a verbal warning since we were "escorting royalty". It was such a funny moment!
After winning the crown on Saturday night, we were off to St. Louis to attend the Miss Midwest local pageant as visiting royalty.
Last night may have been the first time in WEEKS we have had a home cooked meal, and my family room may look like this...
but life is good and my heart is full.
In the land of fostercare...
We have had the boys the past few weekends. Last weekend we invited them to come spend the night and go to Drew's last basket ball game. This past weekend their Aunt had a trip planned before they came to her so we kept them this past weekend as well. It was good to see them again and we all enjoyed spending time with them! They were so cute at Kaitlyn's pageant! They were so excited for her!
I had heard nothing from the agency in over two weeks about the 7 year old girl. I do not understand why it is so hard for them to communicate. I left a very direct message yesterday morning requesting an update by the end of the day and they called me right away. I was able to speak with the foster mom yesterday and we will set up a time to meet with the current foster family and the little girl soon. The caseworker will be coming to the house next week to meet us and do a check on the house. I'm not sure where this will go but we want to be open to possibilities.
Kait is a lead in her high school's musical this weekend. She is the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella. I hope it is a huge success! Next week, basket ball is over, volley ball is over, cheer is over, play is over, pageant is over...I'm not sure what I will do with myself!!