Wednesday, January 24, 2007


What more could I ask for right now than for friends to lift me up in prayer? This prayer came to me this afternoon from my dear friend Becky:
Oh Heavenly Father, my dear sister, Kari, is very hurt....she does not understand Your love and she does not understand Your will for her life.....everythingis now pointing to another month of no baby and she is only human....she is hurting and does not understand. She is not praying for riches......she is praying for another life to love and to raise to know You. None of this makes sense and it hurts......please Lord,somehow in all of this, make Yourself real toKari.....may she sense Your presence, Your love and even Your approval of her. Help her to somehow find the courage to trust when it does not make sense to do so. She wants to give You glory, but does not know how to do this amidst her pain and sorrow......minister to her as a Father who loves herin a way she does not fully comprehend today because of all the disappointment this life has brought to her even in what she has known as a "father". May she somehow know You in a deeper way that she can onlyexplain by Your power working in her.
In Jesus' Name.....Amen


Beckie said...

I will keep praying until you have peace.

Rich said...

That is a very sweet prayer that she has prayed for you. May God reveal himself to all of us in our times of need.

Matt said...

Your pain is real. . .I am so sorry that you have to experience it. May you find peace through His grace.