Sunday, January 21, 2007


We are waiting. Waiting to see what the future has in store for the Dixon family. I am currently 6dpo~ translated six days past ovulation. Fertilization would have taken place. That's the part where the sperm meets the egg, they fall in love and unite to live happily ever after. At this point, and the little embryo would be making it's way to my uterus to find a nice warm cozy place to settle in for a nice winter's nap. I keep visualizing that, and hoping that is what is occuring inside of my body. Oh how I wish I had a machine so that I could just peek in and see for myself!!

Drew told his Sunday school teacher to pray for me today, because we want a baby. How sweet is that! He would make a wonderful big brother! I hope he has that chance.

I have my bloodwork done tomorrow, I will post when I have the numbers.


Beckie said...

I am praying that you will receive the much awaited and desired news of a baby in your belly. I want it for you so much.

Misty said...

I am praying that is exactly what is happening in that TINY belly of yours :-). I am eager to hear the numbers!! You better CALL ME!!!!

Coulter Gals-R-Us said...

I was helping in Drew's SS class when he asked for that during prayer time. The cutest thing was when he said "my mommie REALLY wants a baby." Debbie and I looked at each other and smiled big. I'm praying that a little baby Dixon will be born this year.
Love ya, Trish