Friday, March 23, 2007

Is the grass greener on the other side?

When I am asked 'What is your favorite color?', my reply is always 'the color of the grass in the springtime.' I LOVE when the grass starts to turn green in the spring. Monday, we had brown grass, Tuesday, I noticed green grass here and there, Wednesday, more green grass still... today, the world is covered in green grass! Oh how I love Spring! I seem to forget through the course of the year how much I love spring, but once it is here, it is such a breath of fresh air... literally! I look around and see the green grass and it is like my soul takes a big long much needed, much overdue stretch and lets out a sigh of contentment. *sigh* Spring...
With the arrival of the beautiful weather, the urge flares up in full force to sit on my white front porch swing in the cool night air and swing and talk on the phone to a good friend and smoke! I have not been smoking since August. This is the longest I have ever gone. Sure I steal a smoke here and there, maybe once every few months. But this weather just makes me want to start all over again. I know that if it weren't for the possibility of getting pregnant and then having to quit all over again I would be sitting on that front porch swing right now instead of here sitting at my computer typing!
So things went well at the RE's office today. She took a history for about 1/2 hour. Then she did an exam and did an u/s to see my uterus and ovaries. She said both looked good. She wants to monitor me with my next cycle, it starts in about a week. I will go in for an u/s the day that I ovulate. She wants DH and I to BD four hours before I come in so that she can check that out too. At the end of that cycle they will do a HCG blood draw to see if I am pregnant, and I am not she will do a uterine biopsy. That does not sound like much fun. She took blood for a progesterone and also blood from Rich & I to test for sperm antiboties. They will freeze the blood for now, and Rich has to go in and give a sperm sample on a Tues or Thurs morning so that they can run the test. She said the sperm count looked good, and my previous blood work looked good. She ordered the flims from my HSG and she will determine when she sees them if she thinks that a lap is needed. She said that she would do the lap to remove the blockage and also look for endometriosis. Overall I think the appt went well. I wasn't floating on cloud nine after, she did not make any promises. I asked what the next step will be if all comes back clear and she avoided the question. There was no talk of IUI or IVF. I was surprised at that.
Honestly, I think that I thought we would jump right into IUI with injectables this next cycle. I guess things don't move that quickly. Rich said they want to do all the tests to drain all of your money first. I do see the point of it though, they need to make sure there are no problems before they get you pregnant. I can't say that I feel any more excited or hopeful after the visit. That is a bit of a letdown. Anyway, Rich is home, so I am off to spend time with him... 'Night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love spring always reminds me that in life we are blessed by the Lord with a new chance to start again....and makes me thankful that "today" can be put behind and there is a "tomorrow" to start new and fresh.....

I am sorry that the RE appointment still left you with many unanswered questions but it does sound like she gave you direction as to things that needed to be looked into. It can be hard to move forward when we don't know what the future holds, but it sounds like more lessons on trusting, my friend.

I hope you and Rich have a fun weekend together. See you Sundayd.
