Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please pray

After much prayer between Rich and I and much prayer from many friends, Rich and I have decided to go ahead with the Lap. I will have it done tomorrow at 10:00am. I would appreciate prayers. I will possibly have three procedures done... the lap, another hystosalapingography and a hystoscope. If she finds any blockages she will laser the scar tissue and if there are any polyps or cysts she will remove them. I will have to have a breathing tube and I have never had one of those. I think that is what I am the most nervous about. I hear that the gas that they extend your pelvic area with is the worst part. My doctor (I love her sooo much, she is just great!!) told me to expect three to five days for recovery. I have the rest of the week off and Rich is home to take over with the house and kids. I hope and pray that my recovery is quick! Please pray that all goes well and that all blockages/cysts/polyps will be able to be taken care of. I know that many of my wonderful friends will be praying for me, I will be thinking of that tomorrow. I will update as soon as I can manage to make it back on here!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have been in my thoughts and prayers all day dear friend. I am praying all goes well, recovery is well and quick and the womb will be filled soon with a baby or two!!
