Kaitlyn Nicole, 15 years old, Sophomore
Khloe Elaine, 13 years old, 8th grade
Drew Allen, 11 years old, 5th grade
It's that time of year again! When the kids head back to school and the mamas cry and say how fast time flies and how they can't believe their kid is in ___ grade! Yep, that's me! I can't believe how fast they grow up! I wasn't ready for them to go back to school, but I was. I am looking forward to the house not being messed while I am at work every day! I am also looking forward to a routine. I like my kids home though. I like the laziness of summer and no rushed schedules. Having two teenage girls and one grumpy boy in the house trying to get ready in the mornings has proven to be a bit of a challenge. We need to make some adjustments but we'll get it! As I was driving to work this morning feeling frustrated and a bit bad about the way things went this morning I wondered how adding more kids to the mix will work. We are rushed as it is, I can't imagine trying to get other kids ready in addition to these three! Time will tell. I'm anxious to see how things will work out. What age kid will we bring into our home? How many? What sex? What if we get two of the same sex? How will that work with bedrooms? So many questions.
Tonight is session 8 in our classes. One more after this and we are done!! So close! It's hard not to get excited and start looking ahead and asking those questions. I want to be able to prepare, to have the right sheets on the bed, to have clothes ready. But I guess in the world of Foster Care I need to get used to the fact that there isn't much preparation that you can do. You just take things as they come and know that it will all work out.
Fall is approaching, a change in the season, a change for us soon in our home. I wish I could turn a few chapters and peek ahead. :)
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