Thursday, October 25, 2012

And Exhale

I feel like my life starts on Friday night.  My Monday through Friday is consumed with a job that is very stressful and draining and I often feel like I am holding my breath until I get to 4pm on Friday...and the I can exhale and breathe and enjoy my life.  The family and I are LOVING family movie night.  This week was a double feature of Madagascar 3 and Beetle Juice.  We had hot coco and delicious sugar cookies for our treat.
 Saturday was a very scheduled day.  Lots of errands to run in the morning, and a tea with my step-mom in the afternoon.  We visited Twigs Market in the morning to deliver our homemade laundry soap that we sell there.  You can find our Etsy store here: The Dixon Connection.  The kids and I love this little market!  They have so many wonderful things to see.  Bunnies and chickens and goats and ducks for the kids to play with, fresh produce, antiques, handmade's a wonderful place and worth the drive out!
After deliveries we picked up grandma and headed out to The Mackinaw Tea Room for lunch.  They were having their holiday open house and there were beautiful things to see and very delicious things to eat!

 I did manage to find some time on Sunday to start clearing out the dining room in preparation of our new floors going in.  I came across some old pictures of the kids.  It seems like it was just a few months ago when they were this little!!

 The weekend had a perfect ending with a Sunday dinner at my parents' house roasting hot dogs and eating smores and apple crisp!
We have heard nothing new in regards to our foster care license.  It is my understanding that the Central Office of Licensing in Springfield underwent a large audit in August & September and that is why all of the clearances out of Springfield are being delayed.  I am just trying to be patient and trust in the Lord's timing.

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