Peter 4:12-13- Do not be surprised at the painful trial that you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ so that you will be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. This is the journey of our family. Attempting to fulfill the desire to grow our numbers while remaining in God's will. These entries are my thoughts, my questions and my fears.
It's hard to believe that this is where we are today.
Wow! Time flies! It really really does. This blog has documented a seven year journey. Mostly our quest for another child. It documents my fears, my heartache, my yearning to be a mother to many. I have poured out my heart, I have shared my struggles. It's documented here in these pages. This blog is like a book. It is filled with pages, seems to be written in the chapters of our lives. This blog has documented our search for God's will. "Waiting for His Glory to be Revealed". That has been our title and that verse has been my mantra. Peter 4:12-13- Do not be surprised at the painful trial that you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ so that you will be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
We suffered many trials. The passed seven years have brought us trials and blessings as well. For many years my infertility defined my every day and my every decision. I was suffering painful trials. I was waiting for the day that I would get pregnant and "Reveal His Glory", but that day never came. A year ago I was finally in a place that I could peacefully agree to a hysterectomy that has improved my health in more ways than one, yet I was still "Waiting". We considered pursing adoption, we decided to pursue foster care. I was "Waiting". I was "Waiting" for God to make my life complete by giving me another child. Filling that need for another child. Completing me and completing my family by giving us another child.
I remember exactly where I was when the feeling came over me. I remember what I was doing, and how I felt. I am 35 years old. I have been married for 17 years to my best friend. I have three beautiful, healthy children. I have a good job, working vehicles, a beautiful home, a full belly, a loving supportive extended family, awesome friends...
I had everything I needed.
It was enough. It was exactly what God had designed for me. and I was ok.
In that moment, I was fulfilled.
Maybe it's my age. Maybe it's the peace that I have begged and begged God for. Maybe it's His perfect timing. All I know is that it was Revealed.
God's Glory was Revealed and I had it. I have it every day in these faces.
God's Glory is Revealed in Drew. Drew who has challenged me more as a mom than my girls ever did. My son who runs and jumps and rolls everywhere, never walking. My son who will ask a thousand questions that require and answer, not a yes or ummhmmm. My son that wonders why and how. My son that prefers riding his bike or shooting hoops over any video game. My son that will still let me rub his ears when no one is watching. He struggles with impulse control, watching his mouth and being kind. He is my baby and brings so much joy to my life. My son that has ADHD shows me God's Glory every day.

God's Glory is Revealed in Kaitlyn. My Kait who is growing into a very independent beautiful young lady. My oldest who thinks she is going to get her driver's license this year. The girl that scares the life out of my every time I drive with her behind the wheel. My daughter that shines on stage with her beauty and her confidence. My cheerleader with so much pep and always a big smile on the floor. My intelligent girl, who needs to try just a bit harder to see her true potential in the classroom. My oldest who made me a mommy for the first time. My daughter that shows me God's Glory every day.

God's Glory is Revealed in Khloe. My Liz who has found being 13 difficult. My girl that is always stuck in the middle. My child with the biggest heart. She may not always show it, but she loves bigger than the rest. My daughter that is finding her confidence, on and off the court. My smart Liz, who doesn't give herself enough credit in the classroom but has a bit too much smarty pants in my house. My middle child who says she's moving to Colorado, but I'm sure will stay close always. My daughter that Reveals God's Glory every day.

And God's Glory is revealed in my husband and my marriage. It hasn't ever been easy for us. We have had many hard times, but God has ALWAYS seen us through. If you want to see trials and struggles and God's Glory revealed...look at us. This man is my best friend, even if he drives me crazy. He knows me and he gets me and he loves me, no matter what. God has blessed us with a job close to home so that Rich can be home with us and be an active part of our lives. That has been a huge blessing. My marriage and my husband Reveal God's Glory to me every day.
God's Glory is all around me, all the time. In a child, in a husband, in a marriage, in a moment, in a feeling in a prayer, in a victory and even in a trial. God has richly blessed me. I thank Him every day. I am so very thankful to be able to say that I see it. I see it now. I see God's Glory. It is revealed. and it is Well With My Soul.
Welcome to the next chapter in our lives. God's Glory Revealed. Living it and Loving it.