The 2ww. This is lingo for the two week wait. The two week wait is the period of time between ovulation and the onset of either AF (Aunt Flow) or a BFP (big fat positive pregnancy test). This period of time one can truly go insane. Every twinge, pain, cramp, burp, toot, etc, etc, etc is evaluated and analyzed to see if it could possibly be a sign of pregnancy! One that has obsessive/compulsive tendencies becomes over the top obsessive!!
Now I am in the stage of to wait or not to wait. Am I in the 2ww or not? Did I ovulate? Did the Clomid work? I go in for blood work on Friday to find out for sure. I probably will not have results until Monday sometime. I believe Rich is going in for his sperm analysis on Friday as well. I am still trying to talk him in to this!
I hope that all of my readers have a wonderful Thanksgiving. This is the time of year that we are to remember all that we are thankful for. I am the most thankful that God sent his son to die on a cross for my sins so that I can have life everlasting in heaven. I am thankful for all of the times God interceded and saved my marriage when I was ready to walk out in the early years. My husband is such a blessing to me and our marriage is stronger than ever. I am thankful that God knows the plans he has for me because left on my own I would really screw things up. I am thankful for the three healthy beautiful children that God has blessed me with. It amazes me everyday that I am blessed three times over with healthy children. I am thankful for the roof over my head and the food on my table and the car that I drive. I am thankful for my church family. I am thankful that I have a church to go to where the word of God is taught in a real and truthful way. I am thankful for the singing voice that God has blessed me with, and I am thankful that I was able to quit smoking so that I can keep it! I am thankful for my family. Although we are not all as close as I would like to be, I am thankful for them just the same. I have four brothers that I love dearly and hope that they will all find Godly women to make their wives and make me an Aunt!!! I pray that as they get older and mature we will become closer. I have four other adopted siblings that keep my mom on her toes! I am thankful for the addition that they are to our family.
I am thankful for the friendships that I have. Misty, Richelle, Becky, Trish, Talena, Nancy... and many others. Their support in all I do is so important to me. Friends mean a lot to me and I am blessed with many very good ones. I am thankful for the friends that I have found on-line through Fertilichat and other blogs. I have found that on-line friends are to be taken for what they are, a name on a screen that you know only through cyber-space. There is one though, that has crossed that line and become very special to me. Hope. The name says it all. She has given me hope, helped me through trials, and helped me keep my feet on the rock of my foundation, Jesus Christ. I am blessed abundantly, my list could go on and on. Just remember to thank the Lord above for your blessings on Thanksgiving day. Enjoy your time with your families.
I am praying that the 2ww results in a BFP...in fact a double whammy of BFP!!!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving....and we as a family are thankful for you!
I know Rich would die but I'm praying for a double whammy BFP, too. Twins would be so awesome. I'll pray you don't go crazy between now and Monday when you get your test results (and that if Aunt Flow does come...you are at peace with that, too).
You've become such a good friend. You are so special, and I am blessed that God brought you and your family into our lives.
Love ya girlfriend, Trish
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