Monday, February 12, 2007

Just say "NO!"

Just say "No!" to drugs! I am done! Done with the Clomid. Four cycles. This cycle was double the dose, triple the hot flashes! I am relieved to be done with all of the hormones. As if I didn't have enough already... excess can mess you up! I'm hoping to find my sanity again (yeah, right) and to start wearing pajamas to bed again. I have to sleep naked as to not self ignite from the hot flashes.

Richard and I had a great weekend. We had lots of fun trying to catch that egg, unfortunately, the egg did not want to come out and play. Sperm can live for up to 5 days inside the female body, so I guess technically we aren't out of the game, but I'm not feeling hopeful. I have not even gotten a + OPK yet... so the big O is still days off. So much for double the dose of Clomid. I will have blood drawn on the 21st to confirm ovulation, then I will be asking my OB for a referral to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. I think we may try a few IUIs. We will just have to get all of the details.

Well that is all there is to report. I'll let you know when I ovulate. Well see then if there is any chance for a baby this month.


Beckie said...

Hey Friend,

I sense your fun weekend...but discouragement too. I can only imagine the tension you have felt as it did not seem like the eggie was coming out to play. I know that the waiting and wondering game is hard. I have been thinking of you all day.

Coulter Gals-R-Us said...

I'm sure it was a tough decision to make whether to stop taking the Clomid or continue. I'm sorry it did not work for you. I'll continue praying! Love ya.

Matt said...

Still rooting for you!