Wednesday, August 01, 2007

On your mark, get set, OPK

Nothing to exciting to update in the TTC world. I should be ovulating in the next several days. I will start OPKs today. Once I get a + OPK I go to Springfield for the u/s to see how many follicles I have. Then we will decide what the next step is. Rich was able to be home last night which was such a treat!! He was so funny! He would not BD, no matter what I tried! He said he wants to save all of the good sperm for ovulation! It’s so cute to me, because it shows me that he wants this just as bad as I do. He would pass up an opportunity to make love on a TUESDAY (which we never have the opportunity to do!!) for the sake of having a better chance of conceiving a child on Thursday!

We have a big week/weekend this week. We are busy preparing for our Renewal Ceremony on Saturday, Drew’s birthday on Sunday and our vacation starting Monday!!! It’s a busy time, but that keeps my mind off of TTC!! I will also be busy during the first part of the 2ww, and that is great too!!! That is the time that I tend to obsess and worry the most. I am looking forward to relaxing on vacation next week. I’m not sure if I will have internet access, so I will try to update before we leave!

1 comment:

Hope said...

Kari...just wanted to stop to say HI and good luck on this cycle - and thank you for your prayers :)

Love you!
