We were watching home videos this weekend. It started with our wedding. That was so neat to see again. We hadn't watched it in a long time. The kids loved it. We also got out a movie that was Khloe's birth to her first birthday. It was amazing to see how much my girls have grown. I literally felt like I was watching someone else's life. I cannot believe how fast time flies. It was amazing to see myself, so calm and encouraging and confident in my mothering. I can't believe how different I am now. Life moves at such a fast pace these days. Back then, my one and only job was to be a mom and wife. All I had to worry about was making my family happy and being the best Mommy ever! I had a husband that was home every night, I cooked and cleaned and taught my girls their ABCs and so many songs that even I had forgotten. It was amazing to glimpse into that former life. It tore at my heart. It made me long for that even more. If I were to have another child, I would quit my job and be a stay at home mom again. I would love to quit my job tomorrow, and Rich always tells me to do it, but I just don't have the courage and can't quite justify it with three kids in school. If I had another child at home, I would get that life back. That Mommy life.
Growing up, if you were to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always the same, a Mommy. Not a teacher or a nurse or a singer or a movie star, a Mommy. I lived my dream for a long time, and then Rich lost his job and I was forced back into the work field. Now I have been at my job for almost 4 years, and I just can't quit. I have the perfect hours, I drop the kids at school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon, I make good money, I work with pretty good people, I am pretty much my own boss, it's a great job. I would give it up in a split second to stay home with my baby. I have told God this, and it is another thing that baffles me. Doesn't he want me to be able to stay at home?
1 comment:
Good for you for taking time out last night to be with your kids. Do that more often...housework will always be there. I'm still praying for your fourth baby.
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