Thursday, July 05, 2007

Morning all. I have not had such a wonderful day so far today. My best friend called me bright and early to tell me that she got her BFP today with her surrogate child. I knew this was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier. It was so hard to hear that she has gotten a BFP and it isn't even her child. She went in for IVF, and *poof* she's pregnant! I've tried for 4 1/2 years and nothing. It hurts bad. I am not looking forward to listening to her complain for the next nine months. I just feel like telling her that I don't want to hear about it at all. I don't want to hear the complaints of morning sickness, I don't want to hear the complaints about the shots, I don't want to hear about the kicking and how her clothes don't fit and how she found the cutest maternity top! *sigh* I'm not being very nice am I? She is my friend and I talk to her at least twice every day. It is inevitable that I am going to hear all of this stuff... I just hope that God gives me the grace and patients to deal with it for the next nine months.

To top off the good news, I still haven’t Oed. Cd18… no O. Rich is HOME, we can BD whenever we want/need to and no O in sight. This has never happened. I go for another u/s tomorrow. I don’t know why, if I haven’t Oed there is nothing they can do about it. I’m just about ready to throw in the towel and admit defeat. This TTC rollercoaster is a bit to much for me, and I’m thinking I may just be done with the ride.

Pray for wisdom, please.

1 comment:

Coulter Gals-R-Us said...

I hate to know you're hurting. I love you my dear friend.