Tuesday, July 03, 2007

First cd14 U/S

Hey all! I just got done at the RE’s office. No temp spike yet, no + OPK, but they said they need to see me by cd15, and I am cd16 today so I had to go in. She did the u/s and looked at my ovaries and checked the follicles in each ovary. She said that perhaps I had Oed last night or this morning, but she was unsure. She did a progesterone blood draw and that will tell us if I did or not. I will have the results after 1 today. She also did and after intercourse test and said it looked “okay”. Not great, but not to bad. She said my lining looks good. If the progesterone blood draw comes back negative, I have to go back on Friday (for another $300 appointment, ugh!). I’ll let you know when I hear what the progesterone is. I don’t think I have Oed, so I expect a negative.

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