Every morning Rich & I talk on my drive in to work. He travels with his job, so he is gone for two weeks and then home for the weekend. We use this time to touch base and catch up. Nights around here are pretty crazy, and so we don't always get a chance to chat in the evenings. So this morning, we were having our morning chat and discussing our adoption plans. Rich expressed a lot of the same thoughts that I had posted last night on the blog, but not all of the same thoughts. He is leaning toward embryo adoption. I feel like my heart is in Africa.

He had some valid points, some of the same points I addressed in my post last night. Embryo adoption would be so much easier. Less time, less money, easier on the child to adjust to a new life. And he feels that we are still doing God's work because we are choosing a child that may otherwise have been destroyed. We are honoring their parent's decision to choose life.
I have done research on the Snowflake program, and today I was looking into
Miracles Waiting. I printed their list of participating clinics in Illinois and tonight I will compare that list to the list of covered providers in IL through my insurance. Tomorrow I will call the matching clinics and ask about protocol. I've been reading about the drugs & procedures. Trying to learn it all.
I sooooooooooo want to make a decision and start moving forward!! I do have to admit, the idea of not having to have a home study, fingerprinting, clearance from federal & state, immigration paper work, trips to a foreign country and a life of explaining myself has it's appeal.
At this point we will keep praying and hope that the Lord will move us in the right direction. The direction that will lead us to our child.

I wish that babies just came easy :)
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