Monday, September 10, 2012

Today is Monday and I am coming off a slow weekend high.  We had minimal obligations this weekend and it is so nice to have a slowed pace.  Khloe & Drew ran in a cross country meet on Saturday morning and they both did a great job!  Saturday afternoon we went and visited my old friend "the gym".  It was good to be back.  I signed Khloe up for a running class twice a week, so it will be great to be back in the gym!  Sunday was church, then a trip to the grocery store to stock up on some healthy food and ingredients for some recipes I want to make this week.  I love the feeling of having a cart full of healthy, organic food for my family (minus the strawberry pop tarts that I snuck in there for me).  I got several walks in this weekend and a few driving lessons for this girl...
who is a horrible driver!!  Took years off my life I'm sure!!

I had an update on Friday for you about our Foster Care situation.  I ran out of time and didn't have a chance to include it in the post.  Friday we were scheduled for our final home visit for our homestudy.  Our licensing worker called and canceled saying that the final visit had to be done within 30 days of our fingerprint clearance and our clearance wouldn't be back in 30 days.  This is very frustrating.  We had our fingerprints done on July 10th.  Never were we told that it could take up to 90 days so have it done right away!  If we would have known that it would be October before our clearance was back we would not have taken classes 90 minutes away and crammed 9 weeks of classes into 4 weeks.  We did that because we wanted to get our license as soon as possible.  There were classes 40 minutes from my house.  They were once a week for 9 weeks.  That would have made so much more sense.  I'm sure that this is just one of the many frustrations that we will have on this journey.

The hesitation/questions about "if we are doing the right thing" continue.  Often, we will be doing something and I will think 'how will this work if we have little kids'?  Yesterday in church I had a pretty big "ahh haa" moment.  If you look back in the archives of this blog you will see years and years of my cries and pleads and prayers to God to give me another child.  Rich & I went to some pretty great lengths to try to make this happen.  The Lord said "No" time and time again. 

I was asking Him to serve me.  Give me my heart's desire.  Now He is asking me to serve Him.  I need to remember that.  This journey isn't about me.  It's about these kids that need a safe place, and showing the love of Jesus by loving them while they are with us.  Very humbling.

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