I got the news this morning. Beta was a 2. I cannot even begin to explain my emotions because I am walking out the door for Jamaica with my family to celebrate Christmas! I will be updating our family blog with pics from the trip, blogging from Jamiaca. When the RE called with the results, he asked if I drank. I said "no, but I just might!" So I leave you with this song...
I was feelin’ the blues
I was watching the news
When this fella came on the TV
He said I’m tellin’ you
That science has proven
That heartaches are healed by the sea
That got me goin’
Without even knowin’
I packed right up and drove down
Now I’m on a roll
And I swear to my soul
Tonight I’m gonna paint this town
So bring me two pina coladas
One for each hand
Let’s set sail with Captin Morgan
And never leave dry land
Troubles I forgot ‘em
I buried ‘em in the sand
So bring me two pina coladas
She said good-bye to her good timin’ man
Oh now I’ve gotta say
That the wind and the waves
And the moon winkin’ down at me
Eases my mind
By leavin’ behind
The heartaches that love often brings
Now I’ve got a smile
That goes on for miles
With no inclination to roam
I’ve gotta say
That I think I’ve gotta stay
‘Cause this is feelin’ more and more like home
So bring me two pina coladas
One for each hand
Let’s set sail with Captin Morgan
And never leave dry land
Troubles I forgot ‘em
I buried ‘em in the sand
So bring me two pina coladas
She said good-bye to her good timin’ man
Peter 4:12-13- Do not be surprised at the painful trial that you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ so that you will be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. Living it and Loving it.

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Today's test. The line is fainter, that is a good thing at this point. My mood swings are back in full force. I had forgotten how bad things really get from being pumped full of hormones. It is really hard, and I am struggling. I feel so bad when I yell and scream and over react. I can see it in the faces of the kids, they know when mom is about to lose it. I explained to them tonight how the hormones and medicine that I take makes me a little more crabby. I told them that it was from the medicine that Mommy takes so that we can have another baby. I asked them if they want me to stop taking the medication, or if they just want to deal with the crabbiness and they all immediatly said keep taking the medicine. They didn't even stop to think about it. It brought tears to my eyes. The fact that they would deal with a crabby mom (and I have been soooo crabby), just so they can have a little brother or sister, that is just priceless to me. I love those little kiddos!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I am not reading into symptoms, my PMS symptoms are the same as pregnancy symptoms. Just trying to trust in the Lord.
I will try to update before we leave for Jamaica. We fly out on 12/16.
Friday, December 07, 2007
That is 3 days post IUI for those not of the TTC world. That is where I am in my cycle, 3 days past the IUI. Nothing new to report. I am not tracking symptoms, it only makes me crazy! I will be sure to post the numbers from the progesterone on Monday. I do not feel overly optimistic about this attempt. Rich and I have actually been talking about the next cycle already. I think he is going to start on some vitamins and herbs, and I believe that I will go with the full dose of 100mg of Clomid next time.
Two of the ladies that I am in a "group" with on the infertility board I frequent got their long awaited BFPs this week! It was a very exciting board this week. I am so happy for them, and I hope and pray that these pregnancies will bring them their long awaited child next August!! I am hoping the pregnancy travels in threes!!
Here is a "poem" that I came across tonight on another blog.
There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are good mothers and love their children, I know that I will be better. I will be better not because of genetics, or money or that I have read more books but because I have struggled and toiled for this child. I have longed and waited. I have cried and prayed. I have endured and planned over and over again.
Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams. I will notice everything about my child. I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover. I will marvel at this miracle every day for the rest of my life. I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed him and that I am not waking to take another temperature, pop another pill, take another shot or cry tears of a broken dream. My dream will be crying for me. I count myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child that my friends will not see.
Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to or a child that God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love. I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain. I know disillusionment as I have been betrayed by my own body. I have been tried by fire and hell many never face, yet given time, I stood tall.
I have prevailed.
I have succeeded.
I have won.
So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort. I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs. I listen. And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely. I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth when life is beyond hard. I have learned a compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes. I have learned to appreciate life.
Yes I will be a wonderful mother.
~ Author Unknown ~
This touched me. With my first children I think I took many things for granted. They were all so small at the same time and I was so busy and overwhelmed. Some days I didn't even get my teeth brushed. Oh what I would give to go back and do it all again. To watch them sleep more often. To smell them, to nurse them just a bit longer. I long for one more chance, one more miracle.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
What are the odds?
Q: What is the success rate for IUI?
I am so confused by this question! I can't seem to find an answer that makes sense! This is what I found...
A: Searching through about a dozen medical journal articles and a number of web sites resulted in a rather wide range of statistics. Basically the odds of success are reported to be just under 6 percent and as high as 26 percent per cycle. The low statistics are with one follicle, while multiple follicles resulted in as high 26 percent success. Another influencing factor is sperm count. Higher sperm counts increase the odds of success; however, there was little difference between success with good-average counts and those with high counts. The overall success rate seems to be between 15-20 percent per cycle, judging from the articles which will be abstracted below. The rate of multiple gestation pregnancies is 23-30 percent.
There is a 25% to 30% chance of conceiving in any given cycle without medical intervention.
So this is where I get lost. If my chances are 25-30% on a natural cycle, then why do they drop to possibly 6% with a IUI? I guess that factors infertility in... I'm confused. I just need to trust in God and forget about the numbers... it only takes one, right?!
I am so confused by this question! I can't seem to find an answer that makes sense! This is what I found...
A: Searching through about a dozen medical journal articles and a number of web sites resulted in a rather wide range of statistics. Basically the odds of success are reported to be just under 6 percent and as high as 26 percent per cycle. The low statistics are with one follicle, while multiple follicles resulted in as high 26 percent success. Another influencing factor is sperm count. Higher sperm counts increase the odds of success; however, there was little difference between success with good-average counts and those with high counts. The overall success rate seems to be between 15-20 percent per cycle, judging from the articles which will be abstracted below. The rate of multiple gestation pregnancies is 23-30 percent.
There is a 25% to 30% chance of conceiving in any given cycle without medical intervention.
So this is where I get lost. If my chances are 25-30% on a natural cycle, then why do they drop to possibly 6% with a IUI? I guess that factors infertility in... I'm confused. I just need to trust in God and forget about the numbers... it only takes one, right?!
Super Socks
Mission complete!
The procedure went well. Rich and I met at 7:00am, (thanks Mom for keeping the kids!)collected the sample and then went for breakfast. The counts were 29% motility, 54% morphology with a total count of 19.4 million per ml. We returned to the office and waited for our turn. They called us back at about 9:20. The counts after the sperm prep were 43% motility, 65% morphology with a count of 30.2 million per ml. The doctor inserted a speculum, inserted the catheter with the sperm, injected it and then put a cap on my cervix. I laid there for 10 minutes and then we were on our way. He headed to work and so did I. We were out of there by 9:40.
I am so tired now, I don’t do 5am very well. I am planning on taking it easy tonight. I considered driving to Rich for one more BDing session, but decided that it would be better for me to just rest. It only takes ONE sperm, and right now there are 30 million swimming around up there. If God wants it to happen, it will happen. I am trying so very hard not to obsess this time. There is nothing I can do to change or control the situation, so I am trying to relax and give it to God. It is going to be brutal not to be able to test for 14 days! I was talking to a friend of mine today that is a surrogate and she was able to get a BFP 5 days after her transfer!!! 5 days is a bit more my style!!!! I go in for progesterone draw on Monday. I will post results as soon as I have them. Keep praying for us!!
I am so tired now, I don’t do 5am very well. I am planning on taking it easy tonight. I considered driving to Rich for one more BDing session, but decided that it would be better for me to just rest. It only takes ONE sperm, and right now there are 30 million swimming around up there. If God wants it to happen, it will happen. I am trying so very hard not to obsess this time. There is nothing I can do to change or control the situation, so I am trying to relax and give it to God. It is going to be brutal not to be able to test for 14 days! I was talking to a friend of mine today that is a surrogate and she was able to get a BFP 5 days after her transfer!!! 5 days is a bit more my style!!!! I go in for progesterone draw on Monday. I will post results as soon as I have them. Keep praying for us!!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Our Christmas IUI
The big day has finally arrived. I went today to have the follies measured and we have one mature follicle. There were several others, but they were not fully mature. So tomorrow at 7am I will meet Rich at the RE's office. We will collect the sample and then go for breakfast. We will return to the office at 9am and have the insemination done at 9:15. I will lay on the table for about 10 minutes after the procedure and then we will both be off to work! I will have a progesterone draw done one week from today. They wanted to do a blood test to check for pregnancy 2 weeks from tomorrow, but we will be in Jamaica! I hope they let you take pregnancy tests in your luggage!! I will be testing two weeks from tomorrow!!! I am nervous. I will update tomorrow with details!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Inter-uterine Insemination
The day is drawing near for our impending IUI. We went ahead and did half of the dose of Clomid, and I will finish that tomorrow. I will start OPKs Friday and most likely have an ultra sound to check the follicles on Monday. If there are less than 4 developed follicles, we will go ahead with the HCG injection and have the IUI on Tues or Wed! The closer it gets, the more excited I am, but also the more nervous I get. The risk of multiples is actually higher with IUI than it is with IVF. I am so torn about my feelings of multiples. I have prayed so long and so hard for a child, I feel if God gives me three then I should be thankful because I wanted to be pregnant. However, I really want this pregnancy to enhance and enrich our current family and if Mommy got pregnant with 3 or 4 I just don't feel that would be best for our kids. I know it is a risk that you take when you are dealing with fertility treatments. At this point, I guess it is a risk that we are willing to take.
Rich did have his repeat sperm analysis and the results are below:
January sample:
Motility (how fast/straight) 50%
Morf (how normal of shape) 77%
Count 45 million
Early November sample:
Motility 31%
Morf 79%
Count 8 million
Repeat sample two weeks later:
Motility 50%
Morf 80%
Count 18.4 million
She said that they consider 20million a normal sample so the IUI is a very good thing to do for the next step. She said that for the IUI they will do a s/a before they "spin out" the bad guys and then another one on the sperm after the "spin out". I'm relieved that things look better.
So I will post with details of the IUI as it gets closer! I just can't believe that we are doing this!!!!
Here is some FAQ about IUI... http://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/iui.html
Rich did have his repeat sperm analysis and the results are below:
January sample:
Motility (how fast/straight) 50%
Morf (how normal of shape) 77%
Count 45 million
Early November sample:
Motility 31%
Morf 79%
Count 8 million
Repeat sample two weeks later:
Motility 50%
Morf 80%
Count 18.4 million
She said that they consider 20million a normal sample so the IUI is a very good thing to do for the next step. She said that for the IUI they will do a s/a before they "spin out" the bad guys and then another one on the sperm after the "spin out". I'm relieved that things look better.
So I will post with details of the IUI as it gets closer! I just can't believe that we are doing this!!!!
Here is some FAQ about IUI... http://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/iui.html
Friday, November 09, 2007
A few updates to report
Since the surgery there have been a few updates, but nothing to exciting. I did see a neurologist about me leg and I have Femoral Nerve Neuropathy. Basically that means that the nerve was damaged during the surgery. He was confident that it would continue to improve, and said that things should be back to normal in about 6 months or so. That is about what I had expected.
Rich and I went last week to have our ASA test done. Here is the technical information:
Anti-Sperm antibodies (ASA) is a test to assess the presence and level of antibodies against sperm components both in the male (direct IBT) and female (indirect IBT). These are two separate tests using two different specimens: semen from the male and blood or serum from the female. Both tests provide a reliable test to evaluate the cause and the reasons for infertility.
Clinical Significance and Test Methodology
For the male, the test is a direct immuno-bead assay that checks the presence of auto-antibodies directed to the sperm, including two Lg. classes: immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin A. If excessive amounts of anti-bodies are bound to the surface of the sperm cell, they may mask receptors or other functionally important proteins, interfere with mobility and the sperm-egg interaction and thereby reduce the potential for successful fertilization. A positive test result may indicate of past exposure of the male reproductive system to his own immune system in the course of injury, inflammation or past vasectomy.
For the female, the test is an indirect immuno-bead assay and will measure antibodies to the sperm cells in the woman’s serum, including as above, Immunolglobulin A (or IgA) and Immunoglobulin G (or IgG). Such antibodies would interfere with the ability of the normal sperm to move up the female reproductive tract and fertilize the egg.
Our test came back negative, which is good. They did run a sperm analysis at that time and that was not so good news. Rich’s count was over 45 million in January, and last week it was 8 million. That is considered infertile. He has to go back in two weeks for a re-test. The RE still want to go ahead with the IUI in December. If do that it will be done in about 3 weeks. EEEEK!! I did ovulate on my own this month, so that was good to see. We will have to make a decision if we want to use Clomid next month to stimulate multiple follicles and produce multiple eggs. We’re not sure on that yet. Stay tuned, I will update more as information becomes available!
Rich and I went last week to have our ASA test done. Here is the technical information:
Anti-Sperm antibodies (ASA) is a test to assess the presence and level of antibodies against sperm components both in the male (direct IBT) and female (indirect IBT). These are two separate tests using two different specimens: semen from the male and blood or serum from the female. Both tests provide a reliable test to evaluate the cause and the reasons for infertility.
Clinical Significance and Test Methodology
For the male, the test is a direct immuno-bead assay that checks the presence of auto-antibodies directed to the sperm, including two Lg. classes: immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin A. If excessive amounts of anti-bodies are bound to the surface of the sperm cell, they may mask receptors or other functionally important proteins, interfere with mobility and the sperm-egg interaction and thereby reduce the potential for successful fertilization. A positive test result may indicate of past exposure of the male reproductive system to his own immune system in the course of injury, inflammation or past vasectomy.
For the female, the test is an indirect immuno-bead assay and will measure antibodies to the sperm cells in the woman’s serum, including as above, Immunolglobulin A (or IgA) and Immunoglobulin G (or IgG). Such antibodies would interfere with the ability of the normal sperm to move up the female reproductive tract and fertilize the egg.
Our test came back negative, which is good. They did run a sperm analysis at that time and that was not so good news. Rich’s count was over 45 million in January, and last week it was 8 million. That is considered infertile. He has to go back in two weeks for a re-test. The RE still want to go ahead with the IUI in December. If do that it will be done in about 3 weeks. EEEEK!! I did ovulate on my own this month, so that was good to see. We will have to make a decision if we want to use Clomid next month to stimulate multiple follicles and produce multiple eggs. We’re not sure on that yet. Stay tuned, I will update more as information becomes available!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Hi all! Sorry for the delay in posting. I had my post-op appointment with the RE yesterday and I wanted to get a full report from her before posting. I went in for the lap Thursday morning. They took me back right around 10am. I was shaking I was so nervous. Rich and I were reciting bible verses and I kept humming hymns to try and calm my nerves. Once in the operating room they gave me some happy meds and then put me under with the gas. I was in surgery for two and a half hours, wolk up around 12:45 wanting my Richard. All I remember the RE saying was the word endometriosis. I came out of the anesthesia pretty good. Rich tried to explain what they found, but he was a bit unclear. All he knew for sure was endometriosis. Recovery was a lot harder than I had anticipated. I was totally dependant on Rich the whole weekend. I was in a lot of pain from the gas, and from all of the work they had to do internally. I had three abdominal incisions.
Official word from the RE is this: I had stage 4 (the most severe) endometriosis. I had lesions on my ovaries, my bladder, my bowel, and my uterus. My left ovary was fused to the back of my uterus, the broad ligament, meso salpinx, omentum, ovarian fossa and the utero sacral ligaments. I don't even know what half of those things are, but it sounds pretty messed up. The nurse explained that the left ovary was so distorted, that even though it was producing eggs, they were not going anywhere because the ovary was not connected to the fallopian tube. It would not have mattered how many times we babydanced, there would not have been a baby. There was so much work to be done to free that left ovary, that there may have been some damage to one of the nerves in my left leg. I have been experiencing numbness and pain in my left leg since the surgery. After meeting with her yesterday, she explained how fused that left ovary was and said that the work to free that may have done some damage to one of the nerves in my leg. She said if it was not improved in a week that I would need to go see a Neurologist. Great! Also, each month when the egg was released, there was toxic infection present from the lesions and the egg landed into the infection and was killed before fertilization was even possible. The RE was able to laser all endo areas away.
These are a few pictures of my insides. Cool huh? The top right shows a band of scarring going from top left to bottom right. My whole abdominal cavity was filled with these scar bands. In one of the pictures ( I didn't get that one), it looked like a large spiderweb with the scar bands going every which way. The RE lasered all of the scar tissue away.
The bottom left is one of my ovaries. You can see the dark spots on there, that is the endo that she lasered off. I'm guessing that this little ovary is my right one, because the left one was in bad shape.
So part of yesterday's appointment was to talk about what the next step is. She wants us to take two cycles off. :-( She said that there was so much work done inside, that she wants my body to have plenty of time to heal. In December, she recommends doing our first IUI (inter uterine insemination). When she did the after intercourse test several months ago, the test indicated that there were few sperm present and the ones that were there were slow and sluggish. By doing the IUI, you give the sperm a head-start by placing it directly into the uterus. This eliminates the journey of the sperm to try to swim through the cervical fluid, through the cervix and through the uterus and to the egg. With the IUI, the sperm is inserted with a cathater directly into the uterus. Now the sperm's only job is to swim to the egg!
I was not expecting this diagnosis. I was very surprised that I had endo at all, especially stage 4! It took a few days to sink in. I can't believe that we waited so long to seek medical help. If we would have done this years ago, we would probably have our child by now. There was no way that we were going to conceive without medical intervention. I just wish I would have pursued this years ago! I am happy that we had the surgery done. I am still in a bit of disbelief about the results. I had not expected something so severe. I am thankful for friends that prayed with us about the decision to go ahead with the surgery and I am thankful for a God that guides us every step of the way.
Official word from the RE is this: I had stage 4 (the most severe) endometriosis. I had lesions on my ovaries, my bladder, my bowel, and my uterus. My left ovary was fused to the back of my uterus, the broad ligament, meso salpinx, omentum, ovarian fossa and the utero sacral ligaments. I don't even know what half of those things are, but it sounds pretty messed up. The nurse explained that the left ovary was so distorted, that even though it was producing eggs, they were not going anywhere because the ovary was not connected to the fallopian tube. It would not have mattered how many times we babydanced, there would not have been a baby. There was so much work to be done to free that left ovary, that there may have been some damage to one of the nerves in my left leg. I have been experiencing numbness and pain in my left leg since the surgery. After meeting with her yesterday, she explained how fused that left ovary was and said that the work to free that may have done some damage to one of the nerves in my leg. She said if it was not improved in a week that I would need to go see a Neurologist. Great! Also, each month when the egg was released, there was toxic infection present from the lesions and the egg landed into the infection and was killed before fertilization was even possible. The RE was able to laser all endo areas away.
These are a few pictures of my insides. Cool huh? The top right shows a band of scarring going from top left to bottom right. My whole abdominal cavity was filled with these scar bands. In one of the pictures ( I didn't get that one), it looked like a large spiderweb with the scar bands going every which way. The RE lasered all of the scar tissue away.

So part of yesterday's appointment was to talk about what the next step is. She wants us to take two cycles off. :-( She said that there was so much work done inside, that she wants my body to have plenty of time to heal. In December, she recommends doing our first IUI (inter uterine insemination). When she did the after intercourse test several months ago, the test indicated that there were few sperm present and the ones that were there were slow and sluggish. By doing the IUI, you give the sperm a head-start by placing it directly into the uterus. This eliminates the journey of the sperm to try to swim through the cervical fluid, through the cervix and through the uterus and to the egg. With the IUI, the sperm is inserted with a cathater directly into the uterus. Now the sperm's only job is to swim to the egg!
I was not expecting this diagnosis. I was very surprised that I had endo at all, especially stage 4! It took a few days to sink in. I can't believe that we waited so long to seek medical help. If we would have done this years ago, we would probably have our child by now. There was no way that we were going to conceive without medical intervention. I just wish I would have pursued this years ago! I am happy that we had the surgery done. I am still in a bit of disbelief about the results. I had not expected something so severe. I am thankful for friends that prayed with us about the decision to go ahead with the surgery and I am thankful for a God that guides us every step of the way.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Please pray
After much prayer between Rich and I and much prayer from many friends, Rich and I have decided to go ahead with the Lap. I will have it done tomorrow at 10:00am. I would appreciate prayers. I will possibly have three procedures done... the lap, another hystosalapingography and a hystoscope. If she finds any blockages she will laser the scar tissue and if there are any polyps or cysts she will remove them. I will have to have a breathing tube and I have never had one of those. I think that is what I am the most nervous about. I hear that the gas that they extend your pelvic area with is the worst part. My doctor (I love her sooo much, she is just great!!) told me to expect three to five days for recovery. I have the rest of the week off and Rich is home to take over with the house and kids. I hope and pray that my recovery is quick! Please pray that all goes well and that all blockages/cysts/polyps will be able to be taken care of. I know that many of my wonderful friends will be praying for me, I will be thinking of that tomorrow. I will update as soon as I can manage to make it back on here!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
No magic

The was lots of magic at Walt Disney World but none in our room! Sharing a room with three kids and full days in the park leading to falling into bed at night from exhaustion did not leave much room for BDing! There was no magic going on there!
So AF showed up today, as I knew she would and now I would appreciate your prayers. Rich & I have to make a decision about having a lap done this cycle. If we go ahead, then we need to commit to another 6 months or so of TTC and we were supposed to be done at the end of this year. Studies show that if there is a 6 year or more difference between your youngest and your baby that the baby is raised as essentially an only child. That is not what we want for our family. Our kids are 10, 8, and 6, I just wonder if there is to much of an age difference. We want a sibling for our other children, not an only child. I am really, really struggling with this decision. I wonder if the scaring is God’s natural birth control… I just don’t know what to do. I would appreciate any prayers today. We have to let the clinic know what our decision is today.
We have been praying about this for a while, and I still don’t see a clear answer. Please pray for clarity for both of us so that we know that we are making a decision that will honor the Lord and will be the best decision for our family.
So AF showed up today, as I knew she would and now I would appreciate your prayers. Rich & I have to make a decision about having a lap done this cycle. If we go ahead, then we need to commit to another 6 months or so of TTC and we were supposed to be done at the end of this year. Studies show that if there is a 6 year or more difference between your youngest and your baby that the baby is raised as essentially an only child. That is not what we want for our family. Our kids are 10, 8, and 6, I just wonder if there is to much of an age difference. We want a sibling for our other children, not an only child. I am really, really struggling with this decision. I wonder if the scaring is God’s natural birth control… I just don’t know what to do. I would appreciate any prayers today. We have to let the clinic know what our decision is today.
We have been praying about this for a while, and I still don’t see a clear answer. Please pray for clarity for both of us so that we know that we are making a decision that will honor the Lord and will be the best decision for our family.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
We could use a little magic!
I've been bad about keeping this up... I'll give you the short version of what has been going on in the TTC area of our lives. I did go for my cd14 u/s the Friday before our Recommitment Ceremony. There were four mature eggs, two on the good side, two on the bad side. I had the hcg shot to release the eggs and on my way I went.

This is our prayer circle. We asked 6 couples to be our "sponsor couples". We asked them to pray for us continually, to counsel us when we need it, to hold us accountable and to participate in the ceremony. This is a wonderful group of friends that we both hold very close to our hearts. They mean so much to us and we love them a lot!
Me in front of the B n B.
This is one of my favorite pictures.
My handsome Richard.
This is the B n B and the lake. This place was georgous and so relaxing. The food was out of this world. I have never had such delicious food. The inn keepers were wonderful Christian people. Here is a link... http://www.missionoakinn.com/ I highly reccomend this place!
Drew’s birthday was Sunday, and then we left for vacation on Monday. We had a really great time on vacation and I tried very hard not to worry about what may or may not be going on inside my body. I did things that I normally would not do because I would be worried that it would hinder implantation. I tried very hard to leave it in God’s hands and trust that if it was meant to be it would be. Many were praying that God would bless us with the extra special Recommitment baby.
I did not take a HPT last cycle because of the trigger shot. The trigger shot is a synthetic form of the hcg hormone that your body produces when you are pregnant. A HPT tests for the presence of the hcg hormone. So if you take a HPT after the trigger, chances are you will get two lines because the test will detect the hormones from the shot. So I did not test last cycle because I did not want to get a false positive.
We had our ceremony on Saturday and it was beautiful!

We went to a wonderful bed and breakfast afterwards. It was such a relaxing time! We had plenty of time to relax and enjoy each other.

I did not take a HPT last cycle because of the trigger shot. The trigger shot is a synthetic form of the hcg hormone that your body produces when you are pregnant. A HPT tests for the presence of the hcg hormone. So if you take a HPT after the trigger, chances are you will get two lines because the test will detect the hormones from the shot. So I did not test last cycle because I did not want to get a false positive.
I was not so strong this cycle. I could not shake my HPT addiction, and tested at 11dpo. I got a very, very, very faint second line. I called the RE and they said that the trigger hormone is usually out of your system at 11dpo, and they suggested having a beta blood draw. I cannot tell you how many times I have had the beta done and ever time it is a BFN. I just couldn’t face another phone call with bad news. I knew that it could be lingering trigger, so I opted to wait and see if AF showed over the weekend. My head knew it was the lingering trigger… my heart wanted this so bad! Sure enough AF showed on Sunday. On to another cycle.
I called the RE to report cd1, the start of a new cycle and they wanted to do the lap this month. I told them that we were leaving for vacation on the 1st, and they suggested waiting until next cycle because I would not be fully recovered and feeling like traveling by then. So they told me to continue the 100mg of Clomid this cycle and then I will have the cd21 progesterone draw done once we get back. I won’t be able to have the cd14 u/s or the trigger this month because I will be gone. Next month they want to do the lap. So that is where we are at this time. Rich and I need to make a decision if we are going to have the lap done or not. It is an expensive test ($6000) and there is about 3-4 days of recovery. Since we said that we were going to wave the white flag and admit defeat at the end of this year, that would only give us 2 cycles to try after the lap. It hardly seems worth it. So either we extend our time… again, or we don’t have the surgery and continue to do what we are doing for three more months.
I called the RE to report cd1, the start of a new cycle and they wanted to do the lap this month. I told them that we were leaving for vacation on the 1st, and they suggested waiting until next cycle because I would not be fully recovered and feeling like traveling by then. So they told me to continue the 100mg of Clomid this cycle and then I will have the cd21 progesterone draw done once we get back. I won’t be able to have the cd14 u/s or the trigger this month because I will be gone. Next month they want to do the lap. So that is where we are at this time. Rich and I need to make a decision if we are going to have the lap done or not. It is an expensive test ($6000) and there is about 3-4 days of recovery. Since we said that we were going to wave the white flag and admit defeat at the end of this year, that would only give us 2 cycles to try after the lap. It hardly seems worth it. So either we extend our time… again, or we don’t have the surgery and continue to do what we are doing for three more months.
Wow, that wasn't a very short version at all!! Well we are off for Disney World in a few days. I should ovulate while we are there. I have heard it is a magical place, we could use a little magic!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
On your mark, get set, OPK
Nothing to exciting to update in the TTC world. I should be ovulating in the next several days. I will start OPKs today. Once I get a + OPK I go to Springfield for the u/s to see how many follicles I have. Then we will decide what the next step is. Rich was able to be home last night which was such a treat!! He was so funny! He would not BD, no matter what I tried! He said he wants to save all of the good sperm for ovulation! It’s so cute to me, because it shows me that he wants this just as bad as I do. He would pass up an opportunity to make love on a TUESDAY (which we never have the opportunity to do!!) for the sake of having a better chance of conceiving a child on Thursday!
We have a big week/weekend this week. We are busy preparing for our Renewal Ceremony on Saturday, Drew’s birthday on Sunday and our vacation starting Monday!!! It’s a busy time, but that keeps my mind off of TTC!! I will also be busy during the first part of the 2ww, and that is great too!!! That is the time that I tend to obsess and worry the most. I am looking forward to relaxing on vacation next week. I’m not sure if I will have internet access, so I will try to update before we leave!
We have a big week/weekend this week. We are busy preparing for our Renewal Ceremony on Saturday, Drew’s birthday on Sunday and our vacation starting Monday!!! It’s a busy time, but that keeps my mind off of TTC!! I will also be busy during the first part of the 2ww, and that is great too!!! That is the time that I tend to obsess and worry the most. I am looking forward to relaxing on vacation next week. I’m not sure if I will have internet access, so I will try to update before we leave!
Monday, July 23, 2007
We were watching home videos this weekend. It started with our wedding. That was so neat to see again. We hadn't watched it in a long time. The kids loved it. We also got out a movie that was Khloe's birth to her first birthday. It was amazing to see how much my girls have grown. I literally felt like I was watching someone else's life. I cannot believe how fast time flies. It was amazing to see myself, so calm and encouraging and confident in my mothering. I can't believe how different I am now. Life moves at such a fast pace these days. Back then, my one and only job was to be a mom and wife. All I had to worry about was making my family happy and being the best Mommy ever! I had a husband that was home every night, I cooked and cleaned and taught my girls their ABCs and so many songs that even I had forgotten. It was amazing to glimpse into that former life. It tore at my heart. It made me long for that even more. If I were to have another child, I would quit my job and be a stay at home mom again. I would love to quit my job tomorrow, and Rich always tells me to do it, but I just don't have the courage and can't quite justify it with three kids in school. If I had another child at home, I would get that life back. That Mommy life.
Growing up, if you were to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always the same, a Mommy. Not a teacher or a nurse or a singer or a movie star, a Mommy. I lived my dream for a long time, and then Rich lost his job and I was forced back into the work field. Now I have been at my job for almost 4 years, and I just can't quit. I have the perfect hours, I drop the kids at school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon, I make good money, I work with pretty good people, I am pretty much my own boss, it's a great job. I would give it up in a split second to stay home with my baby. I have told God this, and it is another thing that baffles me. Doesn't he want me to be able to stay at home?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
How It Is Done
Laparoscopy is done by a surgeon or a doctor of women's health (gynecologist). General anesthesia is generally used, but other types of anesthesia, such as spinal anesthesia, may be used. Talk with your doctor about what choice is best for you.
About an hour before the surgery, you will empty your bladder. You will get fluids and medicine through an intravenous (IV) in a vein in your arm. You may get a medicine (sedative) to help you relax.
Several procedures may be done after you get your anesthesia and are relaxed or asleep.
An airway will be placed in your throat to help you breathe if you get general anesthesia.
A thin flexible tube (urinary catheter) may be put through your urethra into the bladder.
Some of your pubic hair may be shaved.
Your belly and pelvic area will be washed with a special soap.
Your doctor may do a pelvic exam before putting a thin tube (cannula) is put through your vagina into the uterus. The cannula lets your doctor move your uterus and ovaries to get a better look at the belly organs.
During laparoscopy, a small incision is made in the belly. More than one incision may be made if other tools will be used during the surgery. A hollow needle is put through the first incision and gas (carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide) is slowly put through the needle to inflate the belly. The gas lifts the abdominal wall away from the organs inside so your doctor can see clearly.
A thin, lighted tube (laparoscope) is then put through the incision to look at the organs. Other tools can be used to take tissue samples, fix damage, or drain cysts. A laser may be attached to the laparoscope to help with the surgery.
After the surgery, all the tools will be removed and the gas will be released. The incisions will be closed with stitches and covered with a bandage. The scar will be very small and will fade over time.
Laparoscopy takes 30 to 90 minutes, depending on what is done, but can take longer if a condition (such as endometriosis) is found and treated. After the laparoscopy, you will go to the recovery room for 2 to 4 hours. You can usually do your normal activities the next day, but do not do any strenuous activity or exercise for about a week.
How It Feels
If general anesthesia is used, you will be asleep and feel nothing. After you wake up, you will feel sleepy for several hours. You may be tired and have some pain for a few days after a laparoscopy. You may have a mild sore throat from the tube in your throat to help you breath. Use throat lozenges and gargle with warm salt water to help your sore throat.
If you have other types of anesthesia, you may have pain for a few days when the initial numbness wears off.
Laparoscopy is done by a surgeon or a doctor of women's health (gynecologist). General anesthesia is generally used, but other types of anesthesia, such as spinal anesthesia, may be used. Talk with your doctor about what choice is best for you.
About an hour before the surgery, you will empty your bladder. You will get fluids and medicine through an intravenous (IV) in a vein in your arm. You may get a medicine (sedative) to help you relax.
Several procedures may be done after you get your anesthesia and are relaxed or asleep.
An airway will be placed in your throat to help you breathe if you get general anesthesia.
A thin flexible tube (urinary catheter) may be put through your urethra into the bladder.
Some of your pubic hair may be shaved.
Your belly and pelvic area will be washed with a special soap.
Your doctor may do a pelvic exam before putting a thin tube (cannula) is put through your vagina into the uterus. The cannula lets your doctor move your uterus and ovaries to get a better look at the belly organs.
During laparoscopy, a small incision is made in the belly. More than one incision may be made if other tools will be used during the surgery. A hollow needle is put through the first incision and gas (carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide) is slowly put through the needle to inflate the belly. The gas lifts the abdominal wall away from the organs inside so your doctor can see clearly.
A thin, lighted tube (laparoscope) is then put through the incision to look at the organs. Other tools can be used to take tissue samples, fix damage, or drain cysts. A laser may be attached to the laparoscope to help with the surgery.
After the surgery, all the tools will be removed and the gas will be released. The incisions will be closed with stitches and covered with a bandage. The scar will be very small and will fade over time.
Laparoscopy takes 30 to 90 minutes, depending on what is done, but can take longer if a condition (such as endometriosis) is found and treated. After the laparoscopy, you will go to the recovery room for 2 to 4 hours. You can usually do your normal activities the next day, but do not do any strenuous activity or exercise for about a week.
How It Feels
If general anesthesia is used, you will be asleep and feel nothing. After you wake up, you will feel sleepy for several hours. You may be tired and have some pain for a few days after a laparoscopy. You may have a mild sore throat from the tube in your throat to help you breath. Use throat lozenges and gargle with warm salt water to help your sore throat.
If you have other types of anesthesia, you may have pain for a few days when the initial numbness wears off.
I had the biopsy on Friday. Bloodwork was BFN, as expected. The biopsy was not as bad as I had thought overall. It hurt really bad for about a minute, and then a full night of cramps, but then AF showed, so the cramps all just blended together. The nurse was so companionate. I had told her that I was fearful, and asked that they cover the instruments so that I could not see them. They had everything covered when I got there and she held my hands through the tough part. She was a big comfort. The doctor too was very gentle and told me what to expect each step of the way. After she was done I went to get up and she told me to lay there and rest and relax for a few minutes. She applied some pressure to stop the bleeding and while we were waiting, we talked about the next cycle. She wants me to have a laparoscopy done to check out that right tube and see if it is indeed blocked. I will include info on exactly what that is. She cannot do it this coming cycle, so she wants to do a treatment cycle for August. We will know biopsy results next week sometime.
So this is the plan. She gave me a script for 100mg of Clomid to take cycle day 5-9. I believe she is doing this to hyper stimulate my ovaries to produce multiple eggs, because I Oed on my own this past cycle. I will go in for an ultra sound on the day of a + OPK. If I am developing follicles on only the right side we will then just BD when the days are right and nothing more. This is because that tube is probably blocked and the fertilized egg most likely won't make it to the uterus to find a home and grow. If I have follicles on both sides, we will have to decide if we want to do an IUI or not. If the follicles are only on the left side, I think we will probably do our first IUI. Then we will plan the laparoscopy for September if the need be. Our timing is good next month because Rich will be home just at the right time and we are taking a vacation at that time too, so we will be able to be together as much as we want/need to! This visit was probably the most uplifting one that I have had. I had such a tough week, and it was good to feel the RE's optimism!
My mood has improved. AF is here, but that just means that we can go onto the next cycle. I'm dealing with that! I have some spiritual thoughts, but I will share them later this week. Rich is home and we are going to spend our evening together.
So still to come this week (for your info as well as so I don't forget what I still need to share!) I will share the conversation that Rich and I had regarding trusting the Lord vs questioning the Lord and I will also share about our home movie marathon this weekend! Stay tuned!
So this is the plan. She gave me a script for 100mg of Clomid to take cycle day 5-9. I believe she is doing this to hyper stimulate my ovaries to produce multiple eggs, because I Oed on my own this past cycle. I will go in for an ultra sound on the day of a + OPK. If I am developing follicles on only the right side we will then just BD when the days are right and nothing more. This is because that tube is probably blocked and the fertilized egg most likely won't make it to the uterus to find a home and grow. If I have follicles on both sides, we will have to decide if we want to do an IUI or not. If the follicles are only on the left side, I think we will probably do our first IUI. Then we will plan the laparoscopy for September if the need be. Our timing is good next month because Rich will be home just at the right time and we are taking a vacation at that time too, so we will be able to be together as much as we want/need to! This visit was probably the most uplifting one that I have had. I had such a tough week, and it was good to feel the RE's optimism!
My mood has improved. AF is here, but that just means that we can go onto the next cycle. I'm dealing with that! I have some spiritual thoughts, but I will share them later this week. Rich is home and we are going to spend our evening together.
So still to come this week (for your info as well as so I don't forget what I still need to share!) I will share the conversation that Rich and I had regarding trusting the Lord vs questioning the Lord and I will also share about our home movie marathon this weekend! Stay tuned!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Waiting... still
So the title of my blog is Waiting for His glory to be revealed. Well I'm just about tired of waiting. Today has been a terrible day. I am PMSing, feeling sorry for myself, being jelous, being short tempered, fed up, feeling hopeless and not feeling much like a good christian at all. I am feeling like giving up. Giving up on it all. And I would. Today has been an overwhelming day, and I am convinced that the only thing that has kept me here is God himself. Have you ever had one of those days? One of those days that you just cannot tolerate one more minute of your own life? I have never came to a point in my life that I have felt that way, but I got there today. Outsiders looking in will say 'but you have so much to be thankful for, you have such a wonderful family and husband and house and cars and blah blah blah'. But I feel like I am failing at every single thing in my life, and I don't see a way out. I have been WAITING and PRAYING and I still suck!
Another friend of mine found out that she is pregnant today. She and I were on the same cycle. She had and IUI and a trigger shot the day before I did at the same RE. So we have been in this 2ww together and going through symptoms together, and today she got her beta #s back, 202. Those are very good numbers. She may be having twins. I cheered her on every step of the way through this 2ww. Then today when she told me she was pregnant I was so happy for her... for about three seconds and then I just sobbed. I sobbed and I couldn't stop. The jelousy and the envy... oh it is terrible. I don't want to do that!!! I don't want to be jelous of the babies that others have!!! I truly am so happy for her and her husband. I have been praying for them for such a long time! So why does the big green monster of envy have to pop out?
My house is a total mess. My yard is about 14 inches high, and weeds have long since taken over my flower gardens. My pool is green, my van is broken. My husband's taxes for 2006 are not paid. I snapped at my kids, AGAIN! I did not read the bedtime story or say bedtime prayers. They had microwave meals for dinner. I'm not pregnant. and I don't know where to start to climb out of all of this. I just want to sit and watch the world go by and do nothing and say nothing. Just take me to heaven and make me an angel or something because I am sucking at being a mortal. That's not normal is it?
I was thinking today that I am tired of waiting. I am tired of waiting for a child, I am tired of waiting to have patience with my kids, I am tired of waiting to be the perfect wife, I am tired of waiting to feel better, to have more energy. I am tired of working and coming home to a whole other job to start for the day. I'm sure that God is so not happy with me right now. I went to a friend's blog, and she too was having a bad day. So I looked up some verses to share with her that I knew I needed to hear today too. This is what I found... it may be a bit messed up because I cut and pasted and had to edit a bit...
Psalm 27:14Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Psalm 27:13-14We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
Psalm 33:19-21Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Psalm 37:6-8 Wait for the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you will see it.
Psalm 37:33-35 I wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God.
Psalm 38:14-16 I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 40:1-3 See how they lie in wait for me! Fierce men conspire against me for no offense or sin of mine, O LORD.
Psalm 59:2-4 I wait for your salvation, O LORD, and I follow your commands.
Psalm 119:165-167 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
Psalm 130:4-6 My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.
So what else is there to do but wait? I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of praying to God and straing to hear his answer and hearing nothing. I'm tired of wondering what in the world he is doing with my life. Why has he made me this way? Why do I fail him so much? Why can't he just FIX ME? I feel like I am constantly arguing with myself inside of my own head. The battle of good and evil. "think positive, pray about it, take your troubles to the Lord" "forget it! You have done this for so long and what do you have? No baby, no peace, no patience with your kids, no organization in your life, you suck, you fail, give it up!" I don't know what else to do. For tonight I am going to take a shower and then look up all of these verses. I can't hear God, so I guess I will just read his word.
PS~ Pregnancy blood test tomorrow, it will be negative (I took a hpt tonight and BFN) so then I will go for the biopsy at 3pm. I'll let you know how that goes and what we decide to do from here...
Monday, July 16, 2007
1 Peter 5-10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
I think that gives hope to all who are suffering, or have suffered, no matter what the issue. That promise that we will all be restored because He is our savior. He is the God of Grace. We will be strong, firm and steadfast. I can't wait!
I received my progesterone levels back. 12.8, this indicates that I did ovulate, but it is not high enough to indicate pregnancy. I need to look on the positive side and be thankful that I did ovulate on my own without medication, well, a little dose of hormone to help the egg release, but no Clomid.
I have felt crampy, I guess AF is on her way. This is a big let down. I just can’t put into words how badly I wanted this to work. The kids are getting older, Rich and I are getting older, and I just want this to happen so badly before we run out of time.
I will keep you posted on the biopsy. Hopefully I won’t have to have it done!
PS~ The picture above is where I wish I was. Those chairs are just waiting for Rich and I!!!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Nothing new to report. I am 9dpo (9 days past ovulation) and nothing much going on. I usually start to take HPTs at about 8 or 9 dpo, and then drive myself crazy testing until AF showes up. Well since I had the trigger, I cannot test. The trigger is a synthetic HCG hormone, and HCG is what is detected on a HPT, so if I was pregnant or if I was not, the HPT would detect the trigger and I would get a positive result. So no testing for me!
I am not having any symptoms, just mostly PMS symptoms. I'm thinnking that I may start AF sometime in the next few days. If I do I don't think that I can have the biopsy. I think that has to be done before AF. So I guess God will answer that prayer in his own way!
I have the blood test to detect pregnancy scheduled for Friday morning. We should have results by Friday afternoon. If AF showes up before then, obviously I don't have to do the blood test.
I will be sure to keep you posted! Continue to keep us in your prayers.
I am not having any symptoms, just mostly PMS symptoms. I'm thinnking that I may start AF sometime in the next few days. If I do I don't think that I can have the biopsy. I think that has to be done before AF. So I guess God will answer that prayer in his own way!
I have the blood test to detect pregnancy scheduled for Friday morning. We should have results by Friday afternoon. If AF showes up before then, obviously I don't have to do the blood test.
I will be sure to keep you posted! Continue to keep us in your prayers.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Finally, the egg has hatched
I went to the RE yesterday for my second u/s this week. My folicle Tues was 15mm, today it was 21mm so they gave me a trigger shot of HSG hormone in the hip (ouch!) and said to BD Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I am so glad that this cycle wasn't a bust!!! I have my beta (blood test for pregnancy) the 20th and if it is negative I have to have the uterine biopsy which I do not want to have!! I was telling God that he could answer two prayers at once if he would give us our baby this month. 1st, a baby and 2nd, no biopsy!! Rich said that he doesn't think God is into bargins!
I got a positive ovulation test last night and my much anticipated temp spike this morning meaning that I ovulated last night on cycle day 19. I have never taken that long to ovulate! Let's hope that my body took so long because it was growing a strong healthy egg!!!!!
I'm hopeful that this month is the month!!! If we did get pregnant in the next few days our due date would be on or around March 29th, 2008. That is close to Khloe's birthday, so it must have been this time 8 years ago that we got pregnant with her!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Morning all. I have not had such a wonderful day so far today. My best friend called me bright and early to tell me that she got her BFP today with her surrogate child. I knew this was coming, but it doesn't make it any easier. It was so hard to hear that she has gotten a BFP and it isn't even her child. She went in for IVF, and *poof* she's pregnant! I've tried for 4 1/2 years and nothing. It hurts bad. I am not looking forward to listening to her complain for the next nine months. I just feel like telling her that I don't want to hear about it at all. I don't want to hear the complaints of morning sickness, I don't want to hear the complaints about the shots, I don't want to hear about the kicking and how her clothes don't fit and how she found the cutest maternity top! *sigh* I'm not being very nice am I? She is my friend and I talk to her at least twice every day. It is inevitable that I am going to hear all of this stuff... I just hope that God gives me the grace and patients to deal with it for the next nine months.
To top off the good news, I still haven’t Oed. Cd18… no O. Rich is HOME, we can BD whenever we want/need to and no O in sight. This has never happened. I go for another u/s tomorrow. I don’t know why, if I haven’t Oed there is nothing they can do about it. I’m just about ready to throw in the towel and admit defeat. This TTC rollercoaster is a bit to much for me, and I’m thinking I may just be done with the ride.
Pray for wisdom, please.
To top off the good news, I still haven’t Oed. Cd18… no O. Rich is HOME, we can BD whenever we want/need to and no O in sight. This has never happened. I go for another u/s tomorrow. I don’t know why, if I haven’t Oed there is nothing they can do about it. I’m just about ready to throw in the towel and admit defeat. This TTC rollercoaster is a bit to much for me, and I’m thinking I may just be done with the ride.
Pray for wisdom, please.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
First cd14 U/S
Hey all! I just got done at the RE’s office. No temp spike yet, no + OPK, but they said they need to see me by cd15, and I am cd16 today so I had to go in. She did the u/s and looked at my ovaries and checked the follicles in each ovary. She said that perhaps I had Oed last night or this morning, but she was unsure. She did a progesterone blood draw and that will tell us if I did or not. I will have the results after 1 today. She also did and after intercourse test and said it looked “okay”. Not great, but not to bad. She said my lining looks good. If the progesterone blood draw comes back negative, I have to go back on Friday (for another $300 appointment, ugh!). I’ll let you know when I hear what the progesterone is. I don’t think I have Oed, so I expect a negative.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Another devotion to share... The First Desperate Housewife
By Micca Campbell
Genesis 39:7 “And it came to pass after these things, that his master’s wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, ‘Lie with me.’” (KJV)
Devotion: I admit it. I used to be a Soap fan when I was a teenager. Lured by the romance and drama, I assumed real life as an adult would play out in the same fashion. Boy, was I wrong! While there’s plenty of drama in my life, romance is something that has to be scheduled most of the time. Real life isn’t like what we see on TV or read about in romance novels. In fact, these images can be dangerous to both single and married people alike. When our ideas about life leave us dissatisfied, we can easily be tempted to look at other options. Soap operas, pornography and romance novels encourage risky behavior that can lead to sin. Often married people convince themselves that just looking or dreaming about being with someone other than their spouse is okay as long as they don’t actually do anything about it. Likewise, some single people feel that they can lust after another as long as they remain “physically pure.”
Jesus said, “’But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart’” (Matthew 5:28 NIV).
That goes for us gals, too. I imagine that Potiphar’s wife could be described as the “first desperate housewife.” She didn’t have TV or a romance novel to read. She had something better, Joseph. He was the head workman in charge who conveniently lived in her home and was pleasing to her sight. Unknown to Joseph, he was about to become the prey of a desperate housewife. This Egyptian woman didn’t happen to notice Joseph one day and then on the spur of the moment, ask Joseph to lie down with her. No. Our key verse tells us she “cast her eyes upon Joseph” and spoke with him day after day. In other words, she watched him, she flirted with him, and she dreamed about him until her sinful thoughts led to action. Her husband ought to have been to her a “covering of the eyes” from all others. Instead, with the lust in her heart, she was daring and shameless in her sin. How do we keep from falling into such sin? We should follow Job’s example. "’I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl [or boy]’” (Job 31:1).
We each have a great need and responsibility to make a covenant with our eyes. Remember that children’s song often sang in Sunday school ... “Be careful little eyes what you see? Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down in love. Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. ”We can protect our eyes by choosing not to watch movies, pornography or TV shows that glamorize sexuality and can lead us into temptation. Our own husbands should be the covering of our eyes that protect us from looking at others. Besides, the grass is not always greener on the other side. I also realize that we are human and we make mistakes. No one is perfect this side of heaven. That’s why it’s so important to be on guard. Another way to safe guard ourselves is to commit to taking hold of any lustful thoughts and quickly put them out of our minds. Temptation is not a sin. It’s when we dwell on the temptation that we are led to sinful actions. Don’t be like Potiphar’s wife. Ask God to give you “eyes” for the spouse you already have.
Dear Lord, Forgive me for where I have fallen short. I commit to You today to take every lustful thought captive so that it doesn’t lead me into sin. May all my thoughts be pleasing to You, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
What a Husband Needs from His Wife by Melanie Chitwood
Becoming the Woman of His Dreams by Sharon Jaynes
Blessing Your Husband by Debra Evans (I added this one because a friend read it and shared some of it and it looks like a great book!)
Application Steps: If you are having trouble in this area, find a trustworthy accountability partner who you can share honestly with about your struggles. Agree to hold each other accountable to God’s truths and to pray for one another. When these thoughts enter your mind, turn to God’s Word, prayer and your accountability partner.
Reflections: In what ways can you protect your eyes from lustful images? Practice thinking on what is true, right and pure. Are you addicted to soap operas or romance novels? If so, what steps will you take today to move away from this stronghold in your life?
Power Verses: 2 Corinthians 10:5, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (NIV) Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” (NIV)
Some of you know, some of you don't, that my marriage has been impacted this year with the issues spoke about in this devotion. What started out as an innocent visit to a WWE website very quickly turned into a pornography addiction. It took less than three months. It went from once a week to every day. It went from two websites to hundreds. In less than three months. It is so important for all of us to guard our hearts and our eyes. Thoughts in your head can quickly turn into actions and soon you are looking back at you life wondering what happened. We were fortunate that God loves us enough to put an end to this addiction in an abrupt and immediate way. He slapped Rich with a DIU, which lead me to reach out to a friend for help, who told me what to do to handle my fears about the DUI, which lead to a confession from my husband about what I would find on his computer. We are fortunate that God loves us and cares about our marriage so much that he stopped Rich before his addiction could turn into something physical. Rich knew he needed to stop, he tried, but he couldn't do it on his own, and he was to ashamed to reach out and ask for help. God knew. God helped.
If you are reading this right now thinking ‘oh that would NEVER happen to me, my husband loves me, we have a great marriage’, please do not think that something like this cannot happen to you. I thought that my marriage was rock solid. I thought that I was the only woman that my husband had eyes for. I thought that God invested so much time building my marriage over the past two years that he would protect it from harm. It can happen to your marriage.
I am still working through the hurts. We are still in counseling. I found a lot of help and information in the book I Surrender All: Rebuilding A Marriage Broken by Pornography by Clay and Renee Crosse. This book is amazing and has helped me a lot. Here is their site... http://www.holyhomes.org/default.aspx
Something so simple as a thought can ruin your marriage. You could wake up and find a fatherless home, a child’s broken heart, your dreams gone. Guard your hearts.
By Micca Campbell
Genesis 39:7 “And it came to pass after these things, that his master’s wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, ‘Lie with me.’” (KJV)
Devotion: I admit it. I used to be a Soap fan when I was a teenager. Lured by the romance and drama, I assumed real life as an adult would play out in the same fashion. Boy, was I wrong! While there’s plenty of drama in my life, romance is something that has to be scheduled most of the time. Real life isn’t like what we see on TV or read about in romance novels. In fact, these images can be dangerous to both single and married people alike. When our ideas about life leave us dissatisfied, we can easily be tempted to look at other options. Soap operas, pornography and romance novels encourage risky behavior that can lead to sin. Often married people convince themselves that just looking or dreaming about being with someone other than their spouse is okay as long as they don’t actually do anything about it. Likewise, some single people feel that they can lust after another as long as they remain “physically pure.”
Jesus said, “’But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart’” (Matthew 5:28 NIV).
That goes for us gals, too. I imagine that Potiphar’s wife could be described as the “first desperate housewife.” She didn’t have TV or a romance novel to read. She had something better, Joseph. He was the head workman in charge who conveniently lived in her home and was pleasing to her sight. Unknown to Joseph, he was about to become the prey of a desperate housewife. This Egyptian woman didn’t happen to notice Joseph one day and then on the spur of the moment, ask Joseph to lie down with her. No. Our key verse tells us she “cast her eyes upon Joseph” and spoke with him day after day. In other words, she watched him, she flirted with him, and she dreamed about him until her sinful thoughts led to action. Her husband ought to have been to her a “covering of the eyes” from all others. Instead, with the lust in her heart, she was daring and shameless in her sin. How do we keep from falling into such sin? We should follow Job’s example. "’I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl [or boy]’” (Job 31:1).
We each have a great need and responsibility to make a covenant with our eyes. Remember that children’s song often sang in Sunday school ... “Be careful little eyes what you see? Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down in love. Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. ”We can protect our eyes by choosing not to watch movies, pornography or TV shows that glamorize sexuality and can lead us into temptation. Our own husbands should be the covering of our eyes that protect us from looking at others. Besides, the grass is not always greener on the other side. I also realize that we are human and we make mistakes. No one is perfect this side of heaven. That’s why it’s so important to be on guard. Another way to safe guard ourselves is to commit to taking hold of any lustful thoughts and quickly put them out of our minds. Temptation is not a sin. It’s when we dwell on the temptation that we are led to sinful actions. Don’t be like Potiphar’s wife. Ask God to give you “eyes” for the spouse you already have.
Dear Lord, Forgive me for where I have fallen short. I commit to You today to take every lustful thought captive so that it doesn’t lead me into sin. May all my thoughts be pleasing to You, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
What a Husband Needs from His Wife by Melanie Chitwood
Becoming the Woman of His Dreams by Sharon Jaynes
Blessing Your Husband by Debra Evans (I added this one because a friend read it and shared some of it and it looks like a great book!)
Application Steps: If you are having trouble in this area, find a trustworthy accountability partner who you can share honestly with about your struggles. Agree to hold each other accountable to God’s truths and to pray for one another. When these thoughts enter your mind, turn to God’s Word, prayer and your accountability partner.
Reflections: In what ways can you protect your eyes from lustful images? Practice thinking on what is true, right and pure. Are you addicted to soap operas or romance novels? If so, what steps will you take today to move away from this stronghold in your life?
Power Verses: 2 Corinthians 10:5, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (NIV) Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” (NIV)
Some of you know, some of you don't, that my marriage has been impacted this year with the issues spoke about in this devotion. What started out as an innocent visit to a WWE website very quickly turned into a pornography addiction. It took less than three months. It went from once a week to every day. It went from two websites to hundreds. In less than three months. It is so important for all of us to guard our hearts and our eyes. Thoughts in your head can quickly turn into actions and soon you are looking back at you life wondering what happened. We were fortunate that God loves us enough to put an end to this addiction in an abrupt and immediate way. He slapped Rich with a DIU, which lead me to reach out to a friend for help, who told me what to do to handle my fears about the DUI, which lead to a confession from my husband about what I would find on his computer. We are fortunate that God loves us and cares about our marriage so much that he stopped Rich before his addiction could turn into something physical. Rich knew he needed to stop, he tried, but he couldn't do it on his own, and he was to ashamed to reach out and ask for help. God knew. God helped.
If you are reading this right now thinking ‘oh that would NEVER happen to me, my husband loves me, we have a great marriage’, please do not think that something like this cannot happen to you. I thought that my marriage was rock solid. I thought that I was the only woman that my husband had eyes for. I thought that God invested so much time building my marriage over the past two years that he would protect it from harm. It can happen to your marriage.
I am still working through the hurts. We are still in counseling. I found a lot of help and information in the book I Surrender All: Rebuilding A Marriage Broken by Pornography by Clay and Renee Crosse. This book is amazing and has helped me a lot. Here is their site... http://www.holyhomes.org/default.aspx
Something so simple as a thought can ruin your marriage. You could wake up and find a fatherless home, a child’s broken heart, your dreams gone. Guard your hearts.
Friday, June 22, 2007
The devotion got me thinking...
Was It Lack of Faith that Caused Him to Die?
(Edited for sake of space)
By Sharon Glasgow
“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him. He also shall be my salvation.” Job 13: 15 (NKJ)
Why is it that some people are healed and some are not? People were healed miraculously in the Bible and others lost their families like Job. We see Stephen in the book of Acts who was actively preaching Christ and was stoned to death. It surely was not lack of faith that caused Stephen to die, nor was God incapable of saving Job’s family. We yearn so desperately for answers to why the horrible things happen, but God doesn’t come down and explain. Could it be sin standing in the way of our prayers? Could it be a lack of faith? Or could it just be God’s will, which we often don’t fully comprehend? We simply won’t always know why certain things have to happen in our life - until the end of time when God wipes the tears from every eye and makes all things new. Then and only then will we know the answers, and fairness will reign. Until that day we must trust in God that He knows best. Have faith that God can heal, and does heal. But trust Him when He doesn’t answer your prayers the way you prayed. I don’t believe lack of faith or sin had anything to do with the loss of Job’s family or Stephen’s life. May Job’s life speak to your heart in that he trusted God even in the midst of his agony and didn’t lose his faith in his mighty God. If you or someone you know is sick or needs a miracle, pray believing that God will work a miracle. I have witnessed the miraculous power of prayer over the sick many times and I know that God can do all things. I also know that you can trust Him no matter what the outcome is.
Dear Lord, Help me to trust you even in the valley of the shadow of death. Lift me up when I am weak and help me to be strong. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Related Resources: When You’re Running on Empty by Cindi McMenamin
Application Steps: Take time to write your prayers in a journal. You will be amazed to look back and see how God’s hand was with you all along, even though He didn’t seem to be answering for long periods of time. Write past prayers answered, it will encourage you today. Reflections: Is there someone in your life going through the valley of the shadow of death? How can you walk along side of them and help carry them through this hard time?
Power Verses: Philippians 1:19-20, “For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or death.” (NKJ)
James 5: 13-14, “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him will oil in the name of the Lord.” (NKJ)
This devotion really spoke to me. How many times have I questioned God choices for my life and others? I remember a huge one was when Rich lost his job in 2003. Four years later I look back and see God with us and working through that time. I ask myself why God has chosen to lead my husband into an addiction that could ruin our marriage after he took so many years to help us repair our marriage. I ask myself why a mother would drown or hang her children, but God won't give me another one. I beg and plead for the life of an unborn boy that is in organ failure at 24 weeks maturity. His mother could not get pregnant and had IVF at the age of 39. She is now pregnant with twins and has been told that the boy will die and may put her into pre-mature labor with her daughter. Why give her a child, just to take him away before he even takes his first breath?
As I was praying last night for healing for my friends Trish and Becky as they go through their bible study I realized something. At first I asked God that they would be completely healed from all of their past hurts and that they would find answers and hope in this study that they are doing. Then I thought that perhaps "completely healed" was a bit much to ask, so I asked that God would give them the tools that they need to begin to work through some past hurts and begin to move on and repair their hearts and fears. Then I wondered if any of us would ever really be “completely healed.”
The conclusion that I came to last night in the middle of my prayer was that I don’t think that we will find complete healing this side of heaven. I think that there are demons that you will struggle with your whole earthly life. (That gives you so much hope, right?) I think that there are many, many whys that will not ever be answered in this lifetime. I may never know why God has made my life a constant struggle until I see Him face to face and ask Him. That doesn’t give me much comfort, but it does give me understanding. I realize that I may never have all of the answers, but I can only hope and pray that each day brings a little more peace and understanding to each of us in whatever situation we find ourselves in at that time.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Back in the saddle again
My friend Talena had a baby. Annaca Raine was born on Father's Day, June 17th. She weighed 6lbs, .7oz and is 17.7 inches long. I held her... she is this big ( )!!! I want one!!! I had all but given up on the dream.
Holding little Annaca yesterday just tugged at my heartstrings and made me realize that I am not quite ready to let go of that dream. I feel like I am close, but not totally ready. I do feel that God will resolve those feelings soon. I feel like I am close to an answer, I feel like I am close to either a baby, or acceptance that there are no more babies for us. Soooooooooooo....
I called the RE's office this morning and had them refresh me on my "plan of action". Rich and I talked this morning and we are going to give it all we've got for the next 4-6 months and if there is no baby then we will throw in the towel. Our kids are getting older every day and we don’t want a huge age difference. Also I have a little princess that is about to enter her pre-teen years with her younger sister right on her heals. I think that pre-teen girls have just about as much neediness as a newborn, and I don’t want to have to juggle both! I do not want to be dealing with the hormones of two teenagers and colic of a newborn at the same time. So I think that we will give it until the end of the year, and then Rich will go in for the big snip snip! I start temping again tomorrow, using the fertility monitor and call the RE’s office with ovulation. Then I will have an u/s to look and see what is going on in there at O time. At the end of the cycle I will have a biopsy to check the uterine lining and make sure it is in good shape and thick enough to support an embryo. Hopefully we will have some answers at the end of this cycle. She did review the HSG and said that the left tube is open but she could not tell about the right. I’m sure she will recommend to repeat the HSG, I’m not sure I want to do that, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. So I am a bit excited to get going again. The break has been really really nice though. No stressing, no temping, no POAS! I hope that I can go about this without becoming overly obsessed!
Rich and I are still in counseling. We are still working on things. I have had some deep hurts recently in relationships with friends and some with family. Life has been a bit crazy and overwhelming. A friend shared a piece of scripture with me yesterday that I printed and have on my desk: 1 Peter 1:6-7 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. I like that verse and I was looking at it today, I realized how close it is to the verse I have kept very close to my heart for the past few years in regard to my infertility journey, 1 Peter 4 12-13 Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. I guess I have to trust that one way or another God’s plan in all of this will be revealed to me and it will all make sense. I can’t wait for that day!
I was at Women of Faith last weekend and took the verse Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. and Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." There have been many things that I thought were impossible this year. It has been a hard year. These verses keep me grounded and speak the truth to my heart when Satan is trying to take advantage of my weaknesses.
I will keep you updated on our progress.
Holding little Annaca yesterday just tugged at my heartstrings and made me realize that I am not quite ready to let go of that dream. I feel like I am close, but not totally ready. I do feel that God will resolve those feelings soon. I feel like I am close to an answer, I feel like I am close to either a baby, or acceptance that there are no more babies for us. Soooooooooooo....
I called the RE's office this morning and had them refresh me on my "plan of action". Rich and I talked this morning and we are going to give it all we've got for the next 4-6 months and if there is no baby then we will throw in the towel. Our kids are getting older every day and we don’t want a huge age difference. Also I have a little princess that is about to enter her pre-teen years with her younger sister right on her heals. I think that pre-teen girls have just about as much neediness as a newborn, and I don’t want to have to juggle both! I do not want to be dealing with the hormones of two teenagers and colic of a newborn at the same time. So I think that we will give it until the end of the year, and then Rich will go in for the big snip snip! I start temping again tomorrow, using the fertility monitor and call the RE’s office with ovulation. Then I will have an u/s to look and see what is going on in there at O time. At the end of the cycle I will have a biopsy to check the uterine lining and make sure it is in good shape and thick enough to support an embryo. Hopefully we will have some answers at the end of this cycle. She did review the HSG and said that the left tube is open but she could not tell about the right. I’m sure she will recommend to repeat the HSG, I’m not sure I want to do that, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. So I am a bit excited to get going again. The break has been really really nice though. No stressing, no temping, no POAS! I hope that I can go about this without becoming overly obsessed!
Rich and I are still in counseling. We are still working on things. I have had some deep hurts recently in relationships with friends and some with family. Life has been a bit crazy and overwhelming. A friend shared a piece of scripture with me yesterday that I printed and have on my desk: 1 Peter 1:6-7 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. I like that verse and I was looking at it today, I realized how close it is to the verse I have kept very close to my heart for the past few years in regard to my infertility journey, 1 Peter 4 12-13 Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. I guess I have to trust that one way or another God’s plan in all of this will be revealed to me and it will all make sense. I can’t wait for that day!
I was at Women of Faith last weekend and took the verse Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. and Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." There have been many things that I thought were impossible this year. It has been a hard year. These verses keep me grounded and speak the truth to my heart when Satan is trying to take advantage of my weaknesses.
I will keep you updated on our progress.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Going Under Cover
I've gone private! If you are reading this then you are officially "on the list". If you do not want to be on the list just let me know and I can take you off. This blog will now only be able to be viewed by people that I want to have access to it. I think that I will feel more comfortable sharing what is going on in my life, and hopefully help others grow in some small way through reading this. You ladies are a very important part of my life, thank you all for your support and encouragement through this tough time!
Monday, April 09, 2007
I have canceled all appointments with the RE, I have put down the thermometer and the fertility monitor for the time being. Our focus right now needs to be 100% on rebuilding our marriage. Once that is stable, we will reevaluate TTC. Surprisingly, that is ok with me. Once your world is rocked to the bitter core, you put things into perspective. Although I once thought that my life would not be complete until I had another child, I now know that my life is complete, as long as I have Rich by my side as my husband and best friend, and as the father to the beautiful children that God has blessed me abundantly with and as long as I always put my faith and my future fully in the hands of the God that is the only one to control it all.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Is the grass greener on the other side?
When I am asked 'What is your favorite color?', my reply is always 'the color of the grass in the springtime.' I LOVE when the grass starts to turn green in the spring. Monday, we had brown grass, Tuesday, I noticed green grass here and there, Wednesday, more green grass still... today, the world is covered in green grass! Oh how I love Spring! I seem to forget through the course of the year how much I love spring, but once it is here, it is such a breath of fresh air... literally! I look around and see the green grass and it is like my soul takes a big long much needed, much overdue stretch and lets out a sigh of contentment. *sigh* Spring...
With the arrival of the beautiful weather, the urge flares up in full force to sit on my white front porch swing in the cool night air and swing and talk on the phone to a good friend and smoke! I have not been smoking since August. This is the longest I have ever gone. Sure I steal a smoke here and there, maybe once every few months. But this weather just makes me want to start all over again. I know that if it weren't for the possibility of getting pregnant and then having to quit all over again I would be sitting on that front porch swing right now instead of here sitting at my computer typing!
So things went well at the RE's office today. She took a history for about 1/2 hour. Then she did an exam and did an u/s to see my uterus and ovaries. She said both looked good. She wants to monitor me with my next cycle, it starts in about a week. I will go in for an u/s the day that I ovulate. She wants DH and I to BD four hours before I come in so that she can check that out too. At the end of that cycle they will do a HCG blood draw to see if I am pregnant, and I am not she will do a uterine biopsy. That does not sound like much fun. She took blood for a progesterone and also blood from Rich & I to test for sperm antiboties. They will freeze the blood for now, and Rich has to go in and give a sperm sample on a Tues or Thurs morning so that they can run the test. She said the sperm count looked good, and my previous blood work looked good. She ordered the flims from my HSG and she will determine when she sees them if she thinks that a lap is needed. She said that she would do the lap to remove the blockage and also look for endometriosis. Overall I think the appt went well. I wasn't floating on cloud nine after, she did not make any promises. I asked what the next step will be if all comes back clear and she avoided the question. There was no talk of IUI or IVF. I was surprised at that.
Honestly, I think that I thought we would jump right into IUI with injectables this next cycle. I guess things don't move that quickly. Rich said they want to do all the tests to drain all of your money first. I do see the point of it though, they need to make sure there are no problems before they get you pregnant. I can't say that I feel any more excited or hopeful after the visit. That is a bit of a letdown. Anyway, Rich is home, so I am off to spend time with him... 'Night!
Today is the big day! I think I am just starting to get excited about it. I have been so busy with work and running the kids around that I just haven't given the appointment much thought. Well the big day is here! Rich is on his way home as I type, and we will meet at the RE's office. I will try to update tonight! Wish us luck! And say a little prayer that whatever decisions are made today, they will be right for all five in our family, and they will carry out the Lord's will for out lives!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007

I will update after our appointment with the RE next week. This is a good link about the HCG test if you want to know more: http://www.advancedfertility.com/hsg.htm
Thursday, February 22, 2007
RE, here I come!
I had my appointment with my OB yesterday. Nothing to exciting to report. They took my blood for the cd21 progesterone draw, I should have those results Monday. I met with the doc, and she said that she would recommend Clomid for another few months and she would like to do a HSG. Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test that examines the inside of uterus and fallopian tubes and the surrounding area. It often is done for women who are unable to become pregnant (infertile). During a hysterosalpingogram, a dye called contrast material is injected through a thin tube that is inserted through the vagina into the uterus. Because the uterus and the fallopian tubes are connected, the contrast material will flow into the fallopian tubes. As the contrast material passes through the uterus and fallopian tubes, continuous X-ray pictures are taken. The pictures can reveal problems such as an injury or abnormal structure of the uterus or fallopian tubes, or blockage that would prevent an egg passing through a fallopian tube from reaching the uterus. Blockage also could prevent sperm from traveling into a fallopian tube and fertilizing an egg. A hysterosalpingogram also may detect abnormalities on the inside of the uterus that might prevent a fertilized egg from attaching (implanting) to the uterine wall. See an illustration of a hysterosalpingogram. (taken from webmd)
I am scheduled for the HSG March 9th. She said that if all appears normal, she would then refer me to an RE. I called the RE's office that I had been in contact with last week, and scheduled and appointment for the 23rd. That appointment is a 2 hour appointment to take a history and develop a game plan. I am looking forward to that!
In the meantime, I will not be continuing the Clomid. The side effects were just to much. I have a herbal supplement called Ovulex that I have about a months worth of, and I will take that next month in addition to an herbal FertiliTea. This next cycle should be a bit of a relaxation before we start with the RE.
I am scheduled for the HSG March 9th. She said that if all appears normal, she would then refer me to an RE. I called the RE's office that I had been in contact with last week, and scheduled and appointment for the 23rd. That appointment is a 2 hour appointment to take a history and develop a game plan. I am looking forward to that!
In the meantime, I will not be continuing the Clomid. The side effects were just to much. I have a herbal supplement called Ovulex that I have about a months worth of, and I will take that next month in addition to an herbal FertiliTea. This next cycle should be a bit of a relaxation before we start with the RE.
Monday, February 19, 2007
The title is a sigh of relief and relaxation. Things are pretty quiet on the TTC front. This month has actually been quite relaxing. I know that I am not pregnant, so there is not all of the stress and worry in the 2 week wait. Kinda freeing! I have my blood work and meet with my OB on Wednesday. I am looking forward to that. I have also been in contact with a Reproductive Endocrinologist. I found out that my insurance will cover all appointments with her at 80%. If we decide to move ahead with the IUI (inter uterine insemination) that will also be covered at 80%. IVF is also covered up to 4 cycles. While we will not do IVF, it is amazing to find out that we have such amazing coverage. I had gotten a print out from out insurance last year, but I must have misread things, because I thought we had a $1000 max for infertility coverage. Come to find out, we have no max at all. So that was definitely good news. My OB does IUIs, so I'm not sure if we will continue treatment with her or change over to the RE. I'll know more after the appt on Wednesday.
Our Pastor's message spoke to me yesterday and got my mind going. He was asking what is it that you need to give up. What is that you love more than God. What is it that you just need to turn over to God. So I have been thinking... Do I hold on too tightly to trying to have a baby month after month? Have I turned it over to God 100%? Do I love the concept of having another baby more than God? Do I put that before God? Do I spend more time in my day thinking of TTC and all that goes along with it than I spend thinking about God and all the good he has done for me? Am I happy with today or am I constantly looking into tomorrow? Do I live in the moment and appreciate it for all that it's worth, or do I dwell on the things I don't have? I know that I have given this battle to God, but how many times have I taken it back? If we do IUI is that trying to override/rush God's timing? Should we just stop all of this? Should we go ahead with the IUI if Rich is out of town during our fertile time?
I know the answers to some of these questions, some I am still thinking about.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Love, God
You know you have really frustrated God when he sends you an e-mail. I got this in an e-mail today...
From: GOD
Reference: LIFE
This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day. I love you.
P.S. And, remember...If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself !! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.
Should you decide to send this to a friend; Thank you, you may have touched their life in ways you will never know! Now, you have a nice day,
From: GOD
Reference: LIFE
This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day. I love you.
P.S. And, remember...If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself !! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.
Should you decide to send this to a friend; Thank you, you may have touched their life in ways you will never know! Now, you have a nice day,
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