Saturday, July 07, 2007

Finally, the egg has hatched

I went to the RE yesterday for my second u/s this week. My folicle Tues was 15mm, today it was 21mm so they gave me a trigger shot of HSG hormone in the hip (ouch!) and said to BD Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I am so glad that this cycle wasn't a bust!!! I have my beta (blood test for pregnancy) the 20th and if it is negative I have to have the uterine biopsy which I do not want to have!! I was telling God that he could answer two prayers at once if he would give us our baby this month. 1st, a baby and 2nd, no biopsy!! Rich said that he doesn't think God is into bargins!

I got a positive ovulation test last night and my much anticipated temp spike this morning meaning that I ovulated last night on cycle day 19. I have never taken that long to ovulate! Let's hope that my body took so long because it was growing a strong healthy egg!!!!!

I'm hopeful that this month is the month!!! If we did get pregnant in the next few days our due date would be on or around March 29th, 2008. That is close to Khloe's birthday, so it must have been this time 8 years ago that we got pregnant with her!


Hope said...

Here chickie chickie...oops not that kinda egg *SMILES*

Ohh I am praying for you dear friend... I hope that this is the one, you both deserve so much happiness and I know how it seems our happiness hinges on a positive pregnancy test. You have so many people here that love you and are here for you! ((HUGS))

Love you so much,

Coulter Gals-R-Us said...

You know I'm praying hard!!!
Love ya, Trish