Peter 4:12-13- Do not be surprised at the painful trial that you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you, but rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ so that you will be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. Living it and Loving it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Big, Fat, Hairy, Ugly Cyst
That's what has grown on my left ovary. A Big, Fat, Hairy, Ugly Cyst. Grrrrrr!! So the doc put me on b/c pills (I don’t think I have eaten one of those since the one time when I was 17!!!). I have to take those for a week, then go back for another u/s a week from tomorrow. If things look good, I will start the FSH and we will move forward.
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Wow, that must have been a bit shocking to find out today. I wish I had answers and words to comfort you in all the struggles you are feeling, but all I can say is I am praying for you and for the Lord to reveal His glory to you.
Kari, I wish I could take your pain for you, but then you would not grow to be the person God wants you to be. He is the God of the Universe and he does not have to explain himself to us. All He wants is for us to take His hand and trust Him as a child trusts his earthly prents, just walk beside Him in His way knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that He knows what He is doing and He will NEVER leave us, and will keep every promise He has made to us in His Word because He CANNOT lie and He WILL cause everything to work for our good - even or especially when it does not look like it, feel like it or seem like it. I wish I could give you that faith, but it is something that comes from adversity and everyone of us must walk our own road to gain that victory of faith. Trust me when I say there is no better life. Keep hoping in Him, DO NOT GIVE UP ON GOD. We can do all things through Him as He gives us HIS STRENGTH. He loves you more than life and He is not "doing this to you", He is allowing this FOR you because He wants you to be the best you can be in Him. HE does not need injections, create a child. He has been doing this for quite some time without all of that - right? :) I love you May God Bless
I know you must be more discouraged because it seems like one thing after another. Right now I'm praying for your physical and emotional health. God will never give you more than you can handle my dear friend. I miss chatting and laughing with you. Love ya. Trish
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