Friday, February 29, 2008

Just call me hoppy

I feel like a walking Easter Basket! I had the u/s this morning, there were two "mature" follicles measuring 18mm & 21mm. I had several "medium" follicles measuring 15mm, 14mm, 14mm, 14mm and a few small ones 12mm, 10mm, 10mm. I was hoping for 4 mature follicles, I'm not sure what we got. I had the trigger shot this morning and we will be doing the IUI at 9am tomorrow. I was thinking of giving myself a little boost of Follistem tonight, to help those "medium" ones grow a bit, but I thought that may be a bit to risky. I am hoping and praying that Rich's numbers are good tomorrow. He has been taking all of those herbs and vitamins for a month, I am excited to see the results in high numbers tomorrow!!

Relaxation is going to be key again. I am going to try to take it easy for the rest of the weekend, and relax in the 2ww. The 2ww is always such insanity. I have done really good the past few cycles, I am hoping to continue that. No testing, no obsessing over the numbers.


Anonymous said...

Okay, hoppy, here is hoping for lots of sperms and the conceptions of two wee ones in you. Praying!

Misty said...

Just wanted you to know I am thinking and praying for you tonight as always!! Call me and let me know how it goes tomorrow!!

Lots and lots of love!!!