Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I’m not sure what cycle day I would be considered. With the bump in the road this cycle, being put on birth control pills to stall ovulation giving the cyst time to go away… I’m just not sure where that puts me. I went in today for the follow up u/s to check on the cyst and it is gone! Yay!! So nothing today or tomorrow, and I start injections on Friday. She has bumped me from 75u to 100u. I’m excited about that. I am hoping for 4 follies!

I am getting pregnant this cycle… and it will be twins! That is my mantra! That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!! When I went to visit my friend that had her surro-twins last weekend, they put both of those babies in my arms at the same time, and it just fit. It was a tiny slice of heaven for just a moment. A glimmer of what my future could be. I had a friend e-mail me today and ask how I was. She asked if I had a silver lining, if I had any glimmers of hope. I’m hanging onto that moment. That moment when I held those two precious babies… it is my silver lining for now. That moment is my hope.

Pierre and Maslin
The surro-babies that Misty delivered on 02/14/08

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You stick to it and I will pray for it.