Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Cycle day 7 for me. (Cherie had asked, I forgot to share) Estrogen level is 198. The nurse says that it is perfect! Things seem to be moving along pretty smoothly. Next u/s in Friday.

The shots are not getting easier. I thought they would. It still takes me forever to get the nerve up to do it!! Eeeek!

I am not charting this cycle. I am trying no to crunch the numbers to much. I did ask for the estrogen level today though, but I did not ask for the follie size. I also am not going to ask for the progesterone # when the time comes. I am trying to remove things that make me obsess. So far, so go!


Coulter Gals-R-Us said...

Good for you. Sounds like you are making great steps to help yourself not to obsess. I'm proud of you.

As always I'm praying for baby Dixon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry the shot is not getting any easier, but glad you are doing the things to let go, trust, and not obsess. Praying for twins still!!