I borrowed this picture from a fellow blogger's blog. This is a Follistim Pen. This is the medication that the RE is proposing. If you click the link, you can read "My Lost and Found of Life" entry about it.
I met with the RE today. Paid $150+ to talk about where we have been and what her recommendation is for where to go from here. She thinks that at this point we could benefit from the injectable medication. Here is more info on Follistim. http://www.follistim.com/Consumer/FollistimPen/index.asp
I asked her if it would be ok to take some time off from all of the medication and appointments and she said that would be fine. I asked her if she would consider letting my OB/GYN do the monitoring and she said that we can see if that would work. I contacted my OBGYN and she agreed to do the u/s for monitoring, but her u/s are $500+ and RE charges $160. *sigh* The OBGYN also cannot turn around the bloodwork in the amount of time that the RE needs it, so I would have to go to OSF Hospital in Peoria for the bloodwork. At this rate, I may as well just make the 1 1/2 hour trip to the RE's office. So now, we need to figure out what we want to do. What I want to happen is that I am pregnant as I write this so I don't have to worry about any of this!
My RE was so understanding about the point that we are at, and she said that no matter what we decide she wants us to be sure that we are comfortable with the decision. We did go over today that IVF was not an option and she did not push at all. I just love her so much!!
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