Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just a quick update

I had my u/s this morning. She measured 5 follies. Two large ones on the right and three on the left. She said everything looked perfect. The nurse drew the estrogen level and they said they would call me this afternoon to let me know if I need to adjust the dose any and also schedule my next u/s. All is well! I will post again tonight once I know when the next appt is.

Are there any of you lurking out there that have been through this? I am so new to this, I have no clue what this means. If they measured 5 today, is that the most we can expect or can new ones grow? I know that all 5 will most likely not mature and produce and egg, but what are the chances? I would love to hear from any of you that have been through this.


Matt said...

What day of your cycle are you on???

Anonymous said...

I, of course, know NOTHING about this, but hope that when you get the call later, you will have more answers given to you, that all this means good stuff, and pray conception will take place.