Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I could not take the insanity anymore, so I caved and went in for a beta today. We received the devastating news that we hoped we wouldn't. Negative.

Where we go from here is still up for grabs. I will update when we decide. Please keep praying for me, my heart is aching.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that today brought the news that you so badly did not want to hear. Praying for comfort and direction for the two of you. I know you are devastated, and it does not make sense. I really am sad for you.

Hope said...

Kari, I don't understand, I know you don't either. Our questions seem to always outway the answers. Your faith and trust in our Lord has been tested for a while now, and always I see the strength you get from that.

Your friends will be here for you, your family will be here for you and even though I know you feel alone sometimes, God is there too. I am praying for you and keeping you close in my heart and thoughts. You didn't shed tears alone my sister, you are not bearing this alone either.

You know if you need me...I am there in anyway that I can be.

Love you so much...tell Rich I love him too!