Saturday, January 26, 2008

IUI #3

Original Count:
Motility: first time 29% last month 45%, today 44%
Morphology: first time 54% last month 83%, today 62%
Count: first time 19.4 million last month 30 million, today 12.8 million

Final Count after processing:
Motility: first time 43% last month 65%, today 44%
Morphology: first time 65% last month 83%, today 66%
Count: first time 30.2 million last month 117.2 million, today 17.4 million

IUI was at 9am this morning. Rich's count was pretty low, but they say it only takes one. We had half the sperm, but twice the eggs. Usually we abstain from intercourse at least two days before the IUI, sometimes three days. Well this time we were not expecting to have the procedure done so soon, so we were together the day befor yesterday, not even a full 36 hours of rest before the sample was collected. I am really focusing on relaxing and not obsessing in this 2ww. We had friends over for dinner tonight and played games and had a great time. I think that I am going to go along with Rich on a business trip to Ft. Lauderdale, FL next week. 4 days of just relaxing in the sun. There will be NO TESTING done in this 2ww. Please be supportive of me in this and don't ask if I have tested or encourage me to test. The POAS (peeing on a stick) leads me into complete insanity and obsession, and I do not want to do that this time.

I am thankful to be done with the shots! I will have a progesterone level done in a week and maybe a beta in 13 days. I start progesterone supplements in a few days. She said it is just something that she tries. Well ok then! Stay tuned, I'll be sure to update, but there probably wont be much going on!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The number stuff all totally confused me in the beginning, but that is okay. Praying you conceive one or two babies, don't obsess and just enjoy your hubby, kids and life one day at a time.