Friday, January 25, 2008

Two eggs= twins??

We are ready to go!! Cd10 and those follicles are all ready to pop! We ended up with two mature follicles on the right side, both measured 21mm!! She said that my lining was “beautiful” and that I should be proud! Yay!! I got the trigger this morning, we go in at 7am for the collection and sperm wash and then have the IUI at 9am. I am so excited!!

My good friend Becky has been praying for twins for us for quite some time. I called her this morning to let her know that we were ready for the IUI and also to let her know that there were two mature follicles. She was very excited and sure that twins are on their way. I thanked her for praying for twins because that would be a blessing that would be beyond words for us. I told her that I would be thrilled with twins, but I didn’t dare even ask God for such a blessing, because I feel like I am asking so much by praying for just one more miracle. I hope and pray so much for one, I don’t want to push it and ask for two!

I will update tomorrow with the numbers from the IUI! Pray for us!


Hope said...

Ohhh goodness twins would be soooo awesome!! I would love that for you. I am so excited, I am praying that this is the one and all our prayers for you will be answered. YAYYYY FOLLIES!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying that this is all perfect and when that injection is made tomorrow AM those little sperms chase after those eggs, dig themselves in those eggs and give you two Dixon babies. Okay, I will fine with one, but still want two for you!!! I am so excited.

Oh Father, my dear friend has been beseeching you for a long time. May the wait be over.....please conceive one or two little precious lives into my dear friend and reveal Your power and glory to her!!

Misty said...

I have been praying for a long time that God would give you your hearts desire. I will continue to pray. You know I pray for ONE, wouldn't wish carrying multiples on anyone LOL but if God blesses you doubley of course we will all be so excited and I will just pray even harder its an NICE EASY UNEVENTFUL pregnancy!!