Monday, September 29, 2008

Honk If You're Bitter

I have been praying alot for grace lately... apparently God has decided to ship it USPS instead of FedEx because I still haven't received my package. I really should not post all of this negativity in my brain, so I think I will only post a portion and perhaps it will clear some room for that spirit of Grace that I have been waiting on.

You know what honks me off? It honks me off when I am visiting a blog (which I do wayyyy to often) and I see a title in the sidebar of what appears to be an interesting blog title. Something like... Desperately Seeking Baby or Wanting 2 lines or Still Waiting. The title will intrigue me, so I will click to see if their story is anything like mine. I wait for the page to load (which takes forever because my PC is a POC) and lo and behold there are pics of a newborn, or worse yet, pics of like a 6 month old! Can someone please tell me why these women have not changed the name of their blog? HELLO!! You have had 9 months of pregnancy and 6 months of a newborn, you are not waiting or wanting, or seeking anything! You've got it! And now I have clicked on your blog and yet again have been reminded that most people that try to have a child for more than 5 YEARS usually have a victory to celebrate. A miracle to hold, a dream come true. Nope, not me... no baby for me in the past 5 YEARS!!! Could you please change the name of your blog to something more appropriate like Don't Click Here If You are Infertile and Won't Ever Have the Chance At Another Child. That would be wonderful.

You know what else honks me off? When people don't post any pictures on their entire blog. I don't know why, but it totally annoys me.

Ok, on to another subject... I was at my mom's a month or so ago, and this picture was laying face down on her hallway floor...

This is a picture of my Kait when she was a baby. I picked up that picture and it was like someone had kicked the wind out of me. She is so precious, and so beautiful, and so everything that I wish I had the chance to do again. My mom had no explination on how it got there or why.

My endo is getting worse rapidly. Each cycle is terribly worse than the last. I haven't contacted my RE because I know what the treatment is... hysterectomy. That or pregnancy is the only cure for endo. With that decision coming at us quicker than we would like we are left to evaluate if we are ready to be that done. We have talked about IVF, researched it, prayed about it, and I know you will be surprised to hear that the answers have not come.

A part of me says that I should just move on and a part of me says that I need to give it all I got. There is never a day that goes by that I do not thank God for the three beautiful miracles that sleep so snug in their bed each night. I am so so thankful that God blessed me with them and that they are perfect and healthy and bless my life each and every day. There is a part of me that feel that should be enough.

Then there is the part of me that longs for another miracle. Can't God see how much we all want this? Can't He see how different it would be for Rich and I to share our lives with a child? Can't He see how my children want another sibling? Can't He see how much we would love this child? And you say, of course He can see. God knows all, He sees things that I could never see, He knows the plans He has for me. Plans to help me and not to harm me, plans for a great future. I know that. I just wish I understood what He wanted us to do.

I wonder about what kind of life our baby would have at this point in the game. That baby would one day become a toddler and then a child. I wonder how things would work out when he was 8 and Drew was 16, Khloe 18 and Kait already off to college. What kind of relationship would he have with his older siblings at that point? I don't want an only child. I want for our family to be enriched. How would it change our family dynamic? Right now all of the kids are so close in age, I don't know how having on pulling up the rear would work out.

I found another picture at my dad's house last weekend. I was sitting on the porch outside, in a rocking chair, and the picture was again Kait, at about the same age as the first picture. Same chubby cheeks, same little pink lips and big brown eyes. Same random way. Is God sending me messages from Heaven or am I losing my mind?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just doing a bit of research...

Taken from
Biblical Principles

Reflection on ART possibilities by Christians should begin by recalling the sanctity of human life: each individual is a unique creation with special worth to God. In addition, God is sovereign: He has ultimate control over who will conceive and bear a child. At the same time, we are stewards of our bodies and our resources: we will be held accountable for how we use the gifts He has given us. Scripture defines a family as being composed of one woman and one man joined in exclusive commitment, and it calls children resulting from that union a gift from God. Finally, scripture suggests that God approves of adoption by His blessing of adopted children (Moses, Esther), and by the fact that believers are all adopted in our redemption (Romans 8:23).


One of the most significant specific moral concerns of Christians in regard to ART is the multitude of fertilized eggs which do not develop to maturity. The conception of Louise Brown came after greater than 500 unsuccessful fertilizations. Even with the better ART techniques available today, far more fertilized eggs die after unsuccessful attempts at implantation than actually develop into a live-born baby. Equally disturbing is the number of early zygotes which remain frozen and unused after a couple has had successful ART, their moral status a subject of debate, and their fate in limbo. Another basic question which troubles some is the necessity of using masturbation to retrieve semen for most of the techniques. In addition to these basic questions are questions about application of the above biblical principles to the host of modern technological possibilities. Many of these questions and others are explored by the authors of several of the resources listed below.

The final chapter on the ethical issues in ART is not written yet, not even in outline form. New technologies will raise new dilemmas. Some new technologies may even answer earlier dilemmas. For example intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI - the introduction by micro-manipulation of one sperm into one egg) may reduce the need for sperm donors; individual sperm may often be retrieved from a man who was previously considered completely infertile. At the same time, this technique raises other moral issues such as the methods of selection used to choose the egg to be fertilized.

Last but not least is praying fervently like Hanna and ask Him to guide you to a Gynecologist whom He will use to create a human life through you.

Taken from
How surplus embryos are processed:
There are only two options for the surplus embryos -- those that are not implanted in the woman's uterus:
Most often, the spare embryos are deep-frozen in liquid nitrogen. This is called "cryopreservation." Of the 232 labs who returned surveys to a government survey, 215 (94.7%) have the equipment to preserve embryos. Their fate is mixed:
Some die during the freezing process;
Some die while they are subsequently thawed.
They may eventually die because of operator error or equipment malfunction.
If the original attempt at IVF fails to produce a pregnancy, then some embryos may be thawed out and a second implantation attempted. Probably about three out of four of these thawed embryos will die without developing into a fetus. Probably fewer than one in four will develop into a fetus and a newborn.
Some embryos will probably lose their ability to induce a pregnancy over time. One source says that about 25% of frozen and thawed embryos do not survive between a first and second impregnation procedure. Another source says that some frozen embryos might survive for decades.
On the order of 9,000 of the 400,000 embryos preserved in cryogenic freezers in American fertility clinics are available for use by other couples. As of 2003-AUG, 31 embryos have been successfully implanted in the uterus of unrelated women, and were later born. Fourteen more are expected to be born by the end of 2003. These are often called "snowflake babies" by pro-life groups. 4
Those embryos that are not preserved in liquid nitrogen will inevitably die. They have no chance of living or developing into a newborn. Many clinics simply discard or destroy them. Some embryos are simply flushed down a sink drain while alive. Some are transferred to a medical waste bin where they are later incinerated, while alive. Some simply expose the embryos to the air and let them die naturally; this normally takes up to four days. Still other embryos are donated for research and experimentation, for personnel training, or for diagnostic purposes. At this stage in their development, they fortunately have no brain, no central nervous system, no pain sensors, no consciousness, no awareness of their environment. Thus, no matter by which method they are disposed, they will feel no discomfort.

Interesting Article

By: Elvonne Whitney, M.D.
The struggle many infertile Christian couples face in their quest for a child is one that God is certainly sensitive to. Many Biblical examples, including that of Hannah (ISam. 1), attest to His caring, concern, and at times, intervention for those who desire an offspring. Many more couples than previously now have the opportunity to have their desired child using assisted reproduction technologies. However, these technologies raise important ethical and moral questions, and Christian couples and the health care providers assisting them do well to seek God's will in these areas. The church can also seek to assist such individuals in their understanding of God's will.
While most of this discussion will apply to any infertile couple, some of the issues discussed apply most specifically to those considering in vitro fertilization, egg or sperm donation, or the use of a surrogate mother.
First of all, let us remember how important individual freedom of choice is to God. I have seen many couples who struggle with much pain because of other family members' or church members' behavior and comments regarding their decision to use various assisted reproductive technologies. Some choose not to share their struggle or decisions with others because of such hurtful behavior, and as a result often feel very isolated. Some struggle with guilt, feeling that their difficulty conceiving a child is a result of past sins, and God is punishing them. Our God is a forgiving God, and whatever past acts may have been done, He views His children with compassion and forgiveness. The church should be a place where all such couples can receive support and compassion in their struggle.
The decision to use or not use such technologies is a deeply personal one, to be settled between a couple and God. The church family should value and protect each couple's individual privacy and decision in these matters, while offering comfort, understanding, and careful support in their seeking of God's will for those who choose to share their struggle.
For issues where no clear Biblical instructions exist, we must support individuals in their personal interpretation and application of the principles involved. We must tread very carefully in this area. God can speak to individuals just as easily, and perhaps more so, than He can speak to organizations in areas of such personal concern. This is not to negate the role of the community of faith in assisting couples in their struggle with these questions, or to limit the importance of the principles involved. But perhaps we do best to outline the issues and principles, and support individuals in their own application of them. Any creation of a "rule book" would go against the way God deals with His people in these personal areas.
Now let us consider some specific points. There certainly is clear scriptural support for a child having the benefits of a stable family. This is helpful in making a decision to limit the application of assisted reproductive technologies to married couples. A number of European countries have outlawed assisted reproduction for unmarried individuals on purely secular grounds.
However, there is a vast difference between using these technologies on unmarried individuals, and in applying such technologies to couples where one or both partners is unable to either produce eggs or sperm, or carry a pregnancy. Let us consider that heritage is composed of multiple factors. Genetic heritage is important, but not necessarily the most important. Social and spiritual heritage are vital as well. This is illustrated in several scriptural examples. Among these is the Old Testament Levirate rule, whereby if a man died with no heirs, his brother was to, in today's terms, inseminate his wife "so his name may not be blotted out of Israel" (Deut. 25:6). In essence, this was God's direction for the use of sperm donation to carry on the family line if an individual had no children.
Another example: both Rachel and Leah had sons for Jacob using their maids Bilhah and Zilpah (Gen. 30:3-12). This has many similarities to today's surrogate mothers. Also, Abraham used Hagar to produce an offspring because of Sarah's infertility. Though this caused problems later because of rivalry, etc. between the two women, God did not forbid it. While the specifics in these examples may be said to relate to the Hebrew culture, and other principles are illustrated here also, it does indicate God's appreciation for man's need to pass his social and spiritual heritage on to his offspring even if he cannot pass on his genetic heritage. God has created within human beings a desire to procreate and fulfill His original mandate to "Be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 2:28). There may be instances where social and spiritual heritage are more important than genetic heritage.
There is no doubt that the use of assisted reproductive technologies raises difficult ethical questions. However, shouldn't Christians be in a better position than others to speak to these questions in the light of scripture and the Holy Spirit's guidance? We would do well to expend effort in understanding the issues the use of donor sperm or oocytes and surrogacy raise, and in developing effective ways to assist couples in dealing with these issues if they so choose, rather then summarily recommending avoiding them.
Human life must be treated with respect at all stages of development. This is Biblical. Any Christian couple should carefully consider ahead of time the moral issues regarding such things as the number of ova to be fertilized with in vitro fertilization, and the disposition of remaining pre-embryos. Simply discarding "unused" embryos does not follow Biblical principles regarding the sacredness of human life. The availability of cryo-preservation, or freezing, of such embryos is one alternative available. This can allow the couple to have further attempts at conception if the initial attempt fails. It may also allow the possibility of having more than one child, or the opportunity to donate such pre-embryos to another infertile couple who may be unable to have a child any other way. It is hoped that soon technology will allow us to freeze unfertilized oocytes, and this will make some of these decisions easier, in that only very few oocytes need be inseminated at one time and any remaining oocytes frozen for possible later use.
Another issue is that of multiple pregnancy. Some of the current technologies including in vitro fertilization significantly increase the chance for twins, triplets, and other multiple births. Because of the very high risk of severe prematurity and non-survival of babies from pregnancies with four or more fetuses, selective termination of one or more fetuses is available. This obviously raises important moral issues. Is it right to intentionally terminate one or more fetus so that the remaining ones will have a significantly better chance for survival? Is it right to allow the pregnancy to continue with several fetuses, with the likelihood that no babies may survive? Many see the Biblical imperative against voluntarily taking human life as an answer to this issue. Any decision is sure to be agonizing. Therefore, when using such technologies it is imperative to use every medical effort to minimize the possibility of multiple pregnancy so that such a decision will rarely need to be made. Thankfully, we can now control that risk to a large degree.
There are some other issues that any couple considering sperm or egg donation, or surrogacy, should prayerfully consider. These include the feelings of the wife and husband about a third party being involved in the conception of their child. There is also the question of whether and when to tell the child the details of his or her conception, and whether to tell family and friends. The couple will want to be sure all legal and medical questions are fully addressed. Also, many of these technologies are very expensive, and couples will want to be sure that they are using their financial resources wisely and in a way that God would approve.
There are many things that medical technology can do with our current understanding of God's laws. There are also many things that we cannot do. A major example of this is that once embryos, eggs, or sperm are replaced in the uterus, we have no more control over their further development. Whether or not pregnancy occurs, and how many embryos continue to develop, is out of our hands. God is still in control, and every conception is a miracle. In a sense it is as though God has said, "This far you may come, and no farther".
Let me point to one more Biblical example of God's view of infertility. Throughout his walk with God, Abraham was repeatedly promised a son (Gen. 15:4 and others). This son would begin a line of descendants that would outnumber the stars of the heavens (Gen. 22:17) and eventually lead to Jesus Himself. God fulfilled His promise to Abraham in a miraculous way (Gen. 21:1-7). While God may not choose to intervene miraculously in the lives of every infertile couple, He can certainly bless the efforts of Christian couples to have children using the technologies that our growing understanding of His wondrous ways allows. At times God has chosen to heal numerous physical diseases miraculously. However, He can also greatly bless the efforts of health care providers in applying our constantly growing knowledge to help heal disease and relieve suffering.
Should there be any fundamental difference between our view of other medical treatment and of Christian's search to fulfill one of their most basic God-given desires, that of having offspring? God is ultimately the Great Physician. I never cease to be amazed at His wondrous works each time conception occurs with or without assistance. As with any technology or power, we must use our growing understanding of human reproduction responsibly and under His guidance. And in doing so we can be partners with God in the joy of the recurring miracle of new life.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Are you still here?

My stat counter continues to go up... are you still coming here? Checking on me? That is sweet... and surprising. I have thought many times about something I want to write here. Things I should share, things I want to post... but I just never seem to make it here.

It's still raw.
It's still hard.
But there are good days.
And there are days that I don't think about a baby.
And there are days that my heart still breaks, and my soul still yearns, and I still lose my breath.

There are still Daddies pulling toddlers in little red wagons.
There are still babies at Kohls shopping with their mommies.
There are still strollers everywhere at the mall on a Wednesday afternoon.
There are still toddler bible song cassett tapes in my house.
Two weeks ago I threw them out.
I will never have those moments again.
all the wind leaves my lungs... all the breath is stolen by those thoughts and by those moments

I went to my last day of kindergarten this week. Family fun day! My little Drew buddy sang his little songs and did his little play... and today I dropped them off for their last day of school. No more kindergarten for me. No hope of another family fun day invitation with a 6 year old's handwritten "Yippee!". I shake my head in disbelief, and another tiny crack splits my heart.

They grow up so fast. I cannot believe that in three short months I will have a 6th grader. I think that it is a bit harder to deal with that, knowing that I don't have another chance. Knowing that my baby days are over. Knowing that my kids are getting so big, and so independant, and growing up... and there will not be another little one for me to cuddle and love and take to their first day of school.

This is a healing process and I am still processing. I am healing, but still hurting. I wish that we could have made that decision, and all of the wants and desires for another child would go away. I wish that with that decision, all of the pain and longing would go away, but it doesn't. I'm not sure that it ever completly will.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It is Well

Sorry I have been MIA. My computer at home is not working. HPV was negative. YAY! I guess the protocol for follow up is to repeat the pap in a year.

So what is next?... Nothing. Nothing is next. Isn’t that odd? No plans, no doctors appointments scheduled… nothing. We have decided that the GIFT procedure is not for us. So I am on my first cycle drug free in quite some time. My body is a bit confused and I wonder how long it will take to regulate my cycles again.

I have thought about my key verse. I have thought about what my answer is. I have been “Waiting For His Glory to be Revealed”. So now what does that mean. I have been thinking about that, and I will do an entry about what I think that means and what the answers are that I have found along this journey. I am working on that entry in my mind, there are still some questions to be answered. I will post my thoughts soon.

We closed our worship service on Sunday with communion. The song that was played during the communion time was “It is Well”. I had always said that if we ever did get pregnant I would announce it to the church and we would sing the song “Glory”.

Glory, glory in the highest,
Glory, to the Almighty,
Glory to the Lamb of God,
And glory to the Living Word,
Glory to the Lamb.
I give glory (glory),
Glory (glory) glory,
Glory to the Lamb,
I give glory (glory),
Glory (glory) glory,
Glory to the Lamb,
I give glory to the Lamb.

And if I never got pregnant, I was hoping that I would be able to sing “It is Well”. I didn’t sing it on Sunday, but I felt that it was a message from God. A sweet song that spoke to my heart and I believe that He sent it just for me.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot,
Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well,
with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet,
though trials should come,
Let this blessed assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well,
with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross,
and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It is well,
with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound,
and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well,
with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

No News

No news yet. I am still waiting on the HPV test results. I called yesterday and they said it should be today around 1 or 2:00. It was kinda funny because when I called I said that I was wanting to get my HPV results and the lady that answered the call said "You need your HCG results?" I thought how odd it was that I have called so many times for HCG results, but now I am wanting a HPV test back. funny how life unfolds.

I am feeling a bit better about all of this. I really think that all is going to be ok. The nurse from the clinic in Chicago had me all worked up, but my local GYN thinks that it is going to be fine and she was not upset about it at all. The Chicago office was talking biopsies, how far "advanced" "it" was, etc. and the GYN's office locally said they would just repeat in 3 months if the HPV is + and repeat in a year if it was -.

I will update with results. Thanks for the prayers.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Not Good News

I have to share a secret…

Rich and I went to Chicago last week to talk with a doctor about the GIFT procedure. After much conversation, we felt that this last step was something that we should at least look into. We went for the appointment and talked with the doctor, met with the IVF/GIFT coordinator and Rich and I both had an exam. We liked the clinic a lot, but wanted some time to think about what we wanted to do. We were not sure if we would go ahead with the GIFT procedure or not.

Today I received a call from the clinic. I was fully expecting it to be the IVF/GIFT coordinator to discuss the plan. It was a nurse calling to tell me that I had an abnormal pap smear and I needed to schedule a biopsy. She said that no further infertility treatment could be done until there was further information about the abnormal cells that were found on my cervix.


My mom had cervical cancer and had to have a hysterectomy when she was about my age. She found out through an abnormal pap when she was undergoing treatment for infertility. That is where my brain goes immediately. Is the same thing going to happen to me? Has God been telling me NO about having another child and I have not been listening and so now He is going to take my uterus from me to drive home his point?

I'm sure that Rich is terrified as well. He lost his mom to lymph node cancer that spread to her breast. He does not like the word cancer, especially when it is being talked about regarding his bride.

Please pray for me. Please pray for Rich. It has been a tough week. There are a few other things going on and I have a cold and we need your prayers.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Related Devotion

March 27, 2008

Dealing with Unresolved Disappointment
By Glynnis Whitwer

"'Take away the stone.' He said. 'But Lord,' said Martha, the sister of the dead man, 'by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.'"
John 11:39 (NIV)

Mary and Martha's brother, Lazarus, was sick. Really sick. In fact, they were sure he was close to death. So they called for the one man they knew could heal Lazarus. That was their friend Jesus.

Messengers found Jesus about a day's journey from the sisters' home in Bethany . But when Jesus got the message about Lazarus, He didn't pack up and leave immediately. In fact, Jesus stayed put ... for two more days.

It wasn't that Jesus didn't care. He did. Jesus didn't lose track of the time either. No, the Bible tells us that Jesus intentionally delayed going to help saying "... it is for God's glory, so that God's son may be glorified through it" (John 11:4 NIV). Jesus had a plan, but Mary and Martha didn't know that. All they knew was their brother had died and Jesus didn't come in time.

The sisters were clearly disappointed in Jesus' lack of response. In fact, they both told Him so. Martha chided Jesus first, then Mary fell at Jesus' feet and echoed her sister's words, "Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died."

Jesus knew their pain. He felt it too. In fact, the Bible says that Jesus wept with them. Together the group of mourners made their way to the tomb, and when they arrived, Jesus made an unusual request -- that the stone in front of the opening be removed.

The sisters were shocked. Why would Jesus make this request? Didn't He realize how bad the body would smell? Martha even told Jesus so, perhaps to "remind" Him that her brother had been dead for four long days.

Mary and Martha were devastated. Not only had their brother died, but they knew Jesus could have changed the outcome of their brother's illness. In their minds, Jesus abandoned them in their time of greatest need. The sisters were grieving the loss of their brother, but I wonder if they were grieving because Jesus hadn't done what they asked. In fact, they were so sad and discouraged, when Jesus made a move to help, they wanted to leave the stone in front of the tomb.

Have you ever been disappointed with God's apparent lack of response? I have. It's disheartening when you know God could immediately change the outcome of your circumstances, but He seems absent. So there you sit, in the pain, grief and fear while God delays.

Martha even seems to have given up and accepted her grief and disappointment. She was ready to live with the "fact" that Jesus didn't care enough to heal Lazarus.

However that "fact" couldn't have been further from the truth. As the sisters gave in and moved the stone, Jesus showed them just how much He loved them. In a loud voice Jesus called, "Lazarus, come out!"

Jaws dropped, hearts pounded, wails turned to screams of joy as a formerly dead man walked out of the tomb ... very much alive. Jesus had never ignored their cry for help. He didn't disregard their pain. He hadn't abandoned them. He had a plan that included a delay.

Sometimes God's plans for us might include a delay. As we wait, may we learn from this story to not give up, to not accept grief as our lot in life and to expect God to turn our mourning into joy. Remember, He's coming right on time.

Dear Lord, please forgive me for all the times I have given up on You, and believed You have abandoned me to suffer. Help me to trust that You have a plan to bring about my healing, and bring joy back to my life, even though it may not look like what I had asked for. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa TerKeurst

Your Scars are Beautiful to God by Sharon Jaynes

Visit Glynnis' Blog

Do You Know Jesus?

Application Steps:
Identify an event that has caused you great pain. Have you resigned yourself to live with that pain forever? If so, choose today to believe that God can do something about it.

Has God ever delayed answering one of your prayers? If so, could you see His good plan in the delay?

How does waiting on God develop our character?
What should our attitude be when we are waiting on God to answer our prayers?

Power Verses:
2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (NIV)

Psalm 17:6-7, "I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer. Show the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes." (NIV)

Romans 12:12, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (NIV)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Life Goes On

I’m feeling better. I just wanted you all to know that I feel your prayers and I am feeling better. Today is the first day of Spring, I have tulips coming up in my yard and I’m healing. Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


As life goes on, I find it hard to carry on the norm. Our decision to stop here was not a fun decision. Our conversation was not a happy one. There were harsh words spoken, there were hurtful accusations, there were many tears. I was hoping that we would be able to come to a decision that both of us were comfortable with. That did not happen.

I am walking around in a daze. In a way, it feels like a death. It feels like I have lost someone so close to me that I loved a whole lot. In reality, it is simply the death of a dream. I cannot tell you how many times I have envisioned my babies face. My dream had a face and it was soft and small and pink with dark hair and dark eyes. My dream had a name. If it was a boy, his name would be Charlie. Drew and I picked that out together. If it was a girl her name would be Paige Elizabeth Grace. I have lived the moment that I would meet my child so many times in my head. I have smelled my child, I have nursed my child. I have played the scene of the moment when Kaitlyn, Khloe and Drew would come into the room to meet their tiny new sibling. I have imagined the looks of love and wonderment on their faces. I have pictured in my mind how I would arrange the nursery. I have decided to use cloth diapers. I couldn’t wait for the day that I could once again be a stay at home mom. I pictured days of enjoying my four kids out by the pool. I have a picture that hangs on the wall of 6 snowmen. Each snowman has our names on them, but there is one blank snowman, waiting for our fourth child.

For five years I have thought of this child and how it would change our family. For five years I have loved this child, my child.

and now.

That takes my breath away. That sucks the air out of my lungs and makes me dizzy. It churns the bile in my stomach. It paints my world gray. It takes the sparkle out of my eyes and the laugh out of my soul. It takes away my hope.

I have always had hope. There was always next cycle. There was always another plan, another chance.

and now.
nothing. There will not be another child. There is no hope of that. There are no nurseries to plan, there are no names to pick out. There are no tiny pink and blue hats to buy. There are no questions of ‘where will we be this time next year? will we have our child? will we celebrate next easter with a baby?’ There are no more doctors appointments, no more calls from the nurse.

Outside, life around me stays the same. Inside, I am forever changed and I don’t know how I find blue skys again.

Monday, March 17, 2008

We're Done

Talks went on this weekend between Rich and I and the final out come is this. We're done.

If I know you personally, in real life, please read this entry very carefully. I cannot even begin to put into words what I am feeling. Please please please don't ask me about this right now. I cannot talk about this all yet. Please don't ask me how I am, please don't ask me why, please don't give me one of those big long hugs that don't take words to know what you are saying. I absolutely cannot handle talking about this yet. I know that this is not the healthiest way to deal with this right now, but it the only way that I know how. Will I be okay? Yes, I will be okay. Will I ever be able to talk about this? Probably, but just not now. Will I ever be fully complete? Probably not this side of heaven. I cannot express the war that is going on inside of me, and I cannot handle opening my mouth to answer one "Are you okay?". I will fall apart. Please respect my emotions. I want to continue to have friendships and relationships, but I am afraid that if I am forced to talk with you about this right now, I will avoid you, and I don't want to lose my friendships.

I know that this may be a rambled post. Let's just pretend like all of this TTC business never happened for now.

Please pray for me. If you have prayed for me in the past, if you have never uttered my name to the Lord, I have never needed your prayers more than I do right now. Please pray for me.

Friday, March 14, 2008


BFN, again and again and again and again! I tested yesterday, so I knew, but it still sucks to hear it. A nurse called, she must have been new because she wasn’t Brenda or Karen that I usually talk to. She said, “Kari, hi, I just wanted to let you know that I have your beta back and it was negative.” I said that yes, I pretty much knew that. She said “oh I wish I could tell you that it was positive.” This is the stupidest thing anyone from that office has ever said to me. I said, “well yes, we have been wishing that we could hear that from you for 18 months now.” IDIOT!!! I didn’t say the idiot part, but I really wanted to.
So now we decide what is next. I am really really struggling with this decision. Rich is going to be home this weekend and we really need to talk things out. I have sought information/counsel from other Christian friends as well. I need more information, more opinions, because I just can’t hear God giving me the answers.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Noting new to report. I am feeling totally normal, nothing different. I did receive my progesterone number today and it was 58, which means nothing for me. I usually have a really high progesterone. 39 last month, over 60 the month before. I’m feeling totally normal. I think I am going to enter my girls into a little local pageant this weekend, so my week will hopefully fly by with making plans for that and Friday’s beta will be here before I know it!!

Friday, March 07, 2008


I have shared things from this blog in my blog before. I went for an update today and found myself a mess of tears. Allison's constant strength has always amazed me. I am thankful for the testimony that I have found through her blog. Don't give up on your dreams because dreams really do come true. Congratulations to Allison and her family.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


As I was reading the information in the last post, I noticed the GIFT process. I did not know what the GIFT procedure was, so I looked it up. Here is the info.

Gamete intrafallopian transfer
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Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) is a tool of assisted reproductive technology against infertility. Eggs are removed from a woman's ovaries, and placed in one of the Fallopian tubes, along with the man's sperm. The technique, which was pioneered by endocrinologist Ricardo Asch, allows fertilization to take place inside the woman's body.
Many specialists in infertility would look at GIFT as a procedure that is outdated (
2004) as pregnancy rates in IVF tend to be equal or better and do not require laparoscopy.[citation needed]
1 Method
2 Indications
3 Success rate
4 See also
5 External links

[edit] Method
It takes, on average, four to six weeks to complete a cycle of GIFT. First, the woman must take a fertility drug to stimulate egg production in the
ovaries. The doctor will monitor the growth of the ovarian follicles, and once they are mature, the woman will be injected with Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The eggs will be harvested approximately 36 hours later, mixed with the man's sperm, and placed back into the woman's Fallopian tubes using a laparoscope.

[edit] Indications
A woman must have at least one normal fallopian tube in order for GIFT to be suitable. It is used in instances where the fertility problem relates to sperm dysfunction, and where the couple has idiopathic (unknown cause) infertility. Some patients may prefer the procedure to
IVF for ethical reasons, since the fertilization takes place inside the body.

[edit] Success rate
As with most fertility procedures, success depends on the couple's age and the woman's egg quality. It is estimated that approximately 25-30% of GIFT cycles result in pregnancy
[1], with a third of those being multiple pregnancies.

I have to admit that my heart skipped a beat while reading this. One more step, but still within our comfort zone. I can't believe I have never looked into this before. Perhaps an option for us.


I have been having some crampy feelings since the IUI. AF like pains. The RE told me to watch for this and a feeling of being bloated because I am at risk for over stimulation of the ovaries. I found some info on the Follistem website. I will keep an eye on it and if it gets worse, I will have to go in for another u/s.

Risks and successes
While complications of intrauterine insemination (IUI) are infrequent, they can include:
Brief uterine cramping
Transmission of venereal disease (with AID/TDI unless appropriately screened)
Risks of the controlled ovarian hyperstimulation can include:
Multiple pregnancy
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) OHSS is a serious medical problem that can happen when the ovaries are overstimulated. In the rare case, it has caused death. OHSS causes fluid to build up suddenly in the stomach and chest areas. Call your healthcare professional right away if you get any of the following symptoms:
· Severe pelvic pain (lower stomach area) ·Nausea ·Vomiting ·Sudden weight gain ·Reduced urine output
In cases where three or more follicles develop to a size greater than 14 millimeters, there is a risk of multiple pregnancy, which could mean abandoning treatment or in some cases, changing the treatment from IUI to an IVF cycle. Multiple pregnancies are associated with higher rates of pregnancy loss and lower birth-weight babies, as well as babies with greater social difficulties. Drug treatment is always monitored, because too high a dose of a drug can cause excessive stimulation of the ovaries, which may be noticed as pain in the abdomen.
The success rates of superovulation and IUI are between 10% and 20% per cycle, provided that the male partner's sperm count is within normal limits and the female's tubes are healthy. Doctors might try four cycles of IUI and if these are not successful, then they may recommend other methods, such as in
vitro fertilization (IVF) or gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT). Unlike IVF or GIFT, IUI doesn’t involve difficult egg collection or general anesthetic, and is currently a popular and quite successful treatment method for infertility.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I was tagged a long time ago by Becky, and never fulfilled my end of the bargain. Boss is gone today, so I had some time. Here ya go!

7 Things....
~The rules are to link the person who sent this to you and leave a comment on their blog so their readers can visit yours.
~Post the rules on your blog
~Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself
~Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog~Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

1. My brain visualizes everything. If I know you in real life I have most likely pictured you naked. I can’t help it, my brain just does it. If you tell me you have a hemorrhoid, I may vomit on your shoes because my brain instantly pictures it.

2. My house is always a cluttered mess, but my linen cabinet and cupboards have to be arranged. Towels by color and they all have to be folded the same with the seams to the back of the closet, and the cupboards have to be arranged by category with all fruits in one row, veggies in another, soups, etc…

3. My nails are very long. I usually have to trim them because they will get so long that they interfere with typing and things like that.

4. I am turning into my mother (God help me!) I cannot sleep well anywhere else but my bed. When I was younger, I could sleep anywhere. Now, only my bed.

5. I have a head tremor. No one has been able to figure out why, no medication helps it. It’s like I am constantly shaking my head “no”. Sometimes the kids will ask me something, and while I am thinking about my answer they will ask “whhhhyyyy?”, because they think I have shook my head no.

6. I did not see the ocean until I was 25. My brother who is 27 still has not seen the ocean. My grandma McCoy is 80 and she has never seen the ocean. I am captivated by the ocean. On a beach next to the ocean is my favorite place to be. Everyone should see the ocean.

7. I have to sleep with a pillow between my knees. The feeling of my knees rubbing together makes me crazy.

TAGGED randomly:

I only know these few, and I know Cherie has done this before.


This is a picture from a few years ago, but don't we look great!!

Nothing to exciting going on here. I started the progesterone vaginal suppositories today. Ick! They make me feel like I peed my pants!

I have been doing some research on low sperm counts. I think that if we don’t get pregnant this cycle we are going to have Rich tested for retrograde ejaculation. Here’s a little info taken from Wikipedia… Normally the sphincter of the bladder contracts and the sperm goes to the urethra towards the area of least pressure. In retrograde ejaculation this sphincter does not function properly. Diagnosis is usually by way of a urinalysis performed on a urine specimen that is obtained shortly after ejaculation which will have an abnormal level of sperm within it.
Retrograde ejaculation may cause a couple to experience problems such as
infertility, as most sperm do not get to the vagina and the rest of the female reproductive system. As a method to induce pregnancy, the retrograde ejaculator's urine is centrifuged and the isolated sperm is then injected into the woman.
Around 40% of sufferers from retrograde ejaculation have found that use of
pseudoephedrine (brands names include Sudafed) noticeably improves the quantity of ejaculate.[citation needed] The tricyclic antidepressant imipramine has also been used as an effective treatment for retrograde ejaculation. It must be noted that both medications have links to erectile dysfunction, pseudoephedrine being the frontline treatment for priapism. People with erectile dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation (not uncommon in those with diabetes) are strongly advised to seek medical advice about the best 'dual' treatment methods available to them, i.e. combining pseudoephedrine or an alternative with an erectile dysfunction treatments such as sildenafil.
This would explain the variation of the numbers in the sperm count. The first “pulse” of an ejaculation contains 80% of the sperm. If that first “pulse” is going into the bladder, that is why we are getting low counts. Something to look into.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Researching already

I've hit the net already researching. I have googled many things, one question being 'how long after insemination does fertilization occur?' The answer is about 24 hours with implantation 5-7 days later. I found this site and there are many questions here about IUI and IVF. Great site.

IUI #4, Are we there yet??

Original Count:
Motility: 1st IUI 29% 2nd IUI 45%, 3rd IUI 44%, today 45%
Morphology: 1st IUI 54% 2nd IUI 83%, 3rd IUI 62%, today 58%
Count: 1st IUI 19.4 million 2nd IUI 30 million, 3rd IUI 12.8 million, today 8.4 million

Final Count after processing:
Motility: 1st IUI 43% 2nd IUI 65%, 3rd IUI 44%, today 36%
Morphology: 1st IUI 65% 2nd IUI 83%, 3rd IUI 66%, today 52%
Count: 1st IUI 30.2 million 2nd IUI 117.2 million, 3rd IUI 17.4 million, today 19.4 million

Count today was not fabulous. The final count was actually better post wash than the month before, so that was encouraging to see. It is hard not to get discouraged when you are sitting on the table all ready for the insemination and they hit you with such low numbers. Rich felt really frustrated, and I did my best to encourage him. We have done a lot to try to bring his count up, I just don't know what else to do. I prayed a lot yesterday and again this morning as we were on our way there. I prayed a lot after the insem while I waited the 10 minutes to get up. I just don't know what else there is to do.

As we were driving home I found myself going down the what if road. I found myself trying to justify IVF and talking through how it could work and what we could do. I was getting very worked up and frustrated. Then the notion of one-day-at-a-time came over me. I was fighting battles that haven't even started. As Granny would say, borrowing trouble. I frequently do that, and I am going to try to stop. When I find myself looking ahead, I am going to do my best to live in the moment and look only as far as today. Perhaps that will save some of my sanity.

I will end this post with the prayer that Kait said last night. What a precious girl she is. I know that she keeps this in her prayers. This simple prayer from my 10 1/2 year old brought tears to my eyes.
"Dear God, I pray that you be with us and help my mom have a baby. I'm asking you for a girl, but I'll take what you give me. If I can't have a girl, I'm asking for a boy, but I will take what you give me. If I can't have a boy, I am asking for one boy and one girl, twins, but I will take what you give me. So really God, I'll take what you give me. Amen"

Friday, February 29, 2008

Just call me hoppy

I feel like a walking Easter Basket! I had the u/s this morning, there were two "mature" follicles measuring 18mm & 21mm. I had several "medium" follicles measuring 15mm, 14mm, 14mm, 14mm and a few small ones 12mm, 10mm, 10mm. I was hoping for 4 mature follicles, I'm not sure what we got. I had the trigger shot this morning and we will be doing the IUI at 9am tomorrow. I was thinking of giving myself a little boost of Follistem tonight, to help those "medium" ones grow a bit, but I thought that may be a bit to risky. I am hoping and praying that Rich's numbers are good tomorrow. He has been taking all of those herbs and vitamins for a month, I am excited to see the results in high numbers tomorrow!!

Relaxation is going to be key again. I am going to try to take it easy for the rest of the weekend, and relax in the 2ww. The 2ww is always such insanity. I have done really good the past few cycles, I am hoping to continue that. No testing, no obsessing over the numbers.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Here he is!!!!!

Here is the Snowman getting all the action!!
He is so cute! He dances and shakes his booty!

This is the booty that we practice on!

Kait did the shot again last night, and again I got a double poke. She did it the first time and it did a little *sucking in of breath sound* and so she jerked back and pulled it out. Again, we were both laughing. I told her just to go for it, no matter what sound I make. So she did it again, and I injected the 75iu. Back to the RE tomorrow for a look with the vaggie cam to see if we are ready!! I hope we don’t run into Sunday because my RE isn’t open on Sunday and I don’t like their protocol for a Sunday ovulation.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Estradiol level was 588. I have no clue what that means, but she said it was good. They are cutting back my dosage. 75iu tonight and 50iu tomorrow with another u/s on Friday. Looks like possible IUI on Saturday!

Pokin' the Snowman

Well, the snowman got some more pokin’ last night! I got home from the gym, and I was getting the kids through the shower. I was standing in my kitchen thinking that it was time for my shot. I thought that I would just do it right then and there, do it quickly and get it over with! So I got everything ready… and I stood there and stood there and stood there! Grrrr! This is SO silly!!! I knew that I was not going to be able to do it, so Kait and I had a briefing with the snowman! She did a great job! So then it came time for the shot. I told her to count to three and then poke it in, so she did. She said “Ok Mommy, here we go! One, two, three!” And she poked it in and pulled it right back out!! Ahh!! I said “Kait! (As I am laughing so hard!) You need to leave it in so that I can push the medicine in!” She was like “Well that is how we practiced, and that is how I always get shots at the doctor’s office!” It was so funny! We were both laughing! So we went for poke #2 and she did great, so did Mommy! So now we have a total of 600 units of Follistem on board. That is about $450.00 worth! Shesh! I don’t know yet if my insurance is going to reimburse me. I sent them a bill for over $1300.00 worth of medication.

I had my appt this morning with the RE. Things looked good on the u/s. She measured 2 follies on the left and 6 on the right. They took the blood and said to call back after 1 for instructions. She asked if Rich was going to be around this week and I told her that he was away now, but as soon as he was needed, he would come home. So I am thinking that we will have the IUI Friday or Saturday. Just a guess. I will update when I get further information later today, and I am going to try to find my camera so that I can post a pic of the snowman!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

U/S today

I'm writing tonight from one of our old computers, so I thought I would include a picture that was stored on here from years ago. Look how little the kids look!! This must have been in 2004.
I had an u/s this morning. The doc was running 35 minutes late! Uggg! I schedule my appointments for first thing in the morning so that I don't have to miss to much work. I didn't get into work until 10:15 today! All went fine with the u/s. Today was only 3 days worth of meds, so it's really too early to tell how many follies we will end up with. He measured about 4 or so on each side. They did the estrogen draw and said that looked good, to stay on the same dose of the Follistem. I go back on Wednesday for the next u/s. My friend Micky did my shot tonight! Ha! I'll let just about anyone do it so that I don't have to!! I'll let you know how things look on Wednesday. We should know more then.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Rich poked me tonight!

Now get your minds out of the gutter!!!! Yes, Rich poked me tonight... for my shot!! He gave me an injection for the first time tonight! I had my first injection last night, my friend Dixie administered it in the bathroom at a Christian Marriage Conference! We were so afraid we were going to get caught shooting up in the bathroom!!!!

So tonight, I was trying to do the shot, I was stalling as usual. Rich was sitting on the couch next to me taking his 9 vitamins. (He has been taking these herbs and vitamins to boost his sperm count, what a team player!!) He was laughing saying that if someone were to look in our windows they would have quite a show. Me sitting there trying to inject myself, and Rich popping pills! LOL Again, I just could not do this injection. Rich offered to do it, but I was afraid that he would be to rough, so I made him do a trial run on the snowman. I made him show me how he would inject me by sticking the snowman! HA!! We got quite a kick out of that!! So he passed his snowman injecting test, so I let him poke me! He did a great job.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I’m not sure what cycle day I would be considered. With the bump in the road this cycle, being put on birth control pills to stall ovulation giving the cyst time to go away… I’m just not sure where that puts me. I went in today for the follow up u/s to check on the cyst and it is gone! Yay!! So nothing today or tomorrow, and I start injections on Friday. She has bumped me from 75u to 100u. I’m excited about that. I am hoping for 4 follies!

I am getting pregnant this cycle… and it will be twins! That is my mantra! That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!! When I went to visit my friend that had her surro-twins last weekend, they put both of those babies in my arms at the same time, and it just fit. It was a tiny slice of heaven for just a moment. A glimmer of what my future could be. I had a friend e-mail me today and ask how I was. She asked if I had a silver lining, if I had any glimmers of hope. I’m hanging onto that moment. That moment when I held those two precious babies… it is my silver lining for now. That moment is my hope.

Pierre and Maslin
The surro-babies that Misty delivered on 02/14/08

Friday, February 15, 2008


Babies, babies, everywhere! I have been surrounded by babies this week. My friend Misty (see side bar for blog link) had her surro-twins on Valentines day. Congrats to her! A friend of mine from the infertility boards, Amanda, had her baby today. Congratulations Amanda & her DH on the birth of Brady. He is sooooooooo cute!!!! A friend from work had her first grandbaby today. Congratulations Grandma Shelly!!!! I was sitting on the couch last night with Rich when I got the two texts from two friends going into labor. I knew that Misty was probably very close, and I was doing fine dealing with all of my emotions, then I got the texts from both friends, back to back... and proceeded to have a melt down. I went through my usual questions, why this, why that, I don't understand, blah blah blah. Poor Rich was here with a wet shoulder, again. In the midst of all of the tears, he was reassuring me that one day we would have our baby and that it will happen for us, and he said that if I really wanted to do IVF we could. The poor sweet guy, he wants so bad to be able to make it all better.

IVF is not for us. I know that, but lately have lost sight of that a few times. IVF is not for us, and this is why. First and foremost, we believe that if God wants us to have another child, he can make it happen. If God wants to join a sperm with one of my eggs, he will. I think that IVF is a decision that each family need to make for themselves. I am not saying that I think IVF is wrong for everyone, I am just saying that IVF is not for us. I do not want a scientist to be the one joining the sperm and the egg, I want that to be God's job. Secondly, I have a problem with the little embryos that are created prior to IVF. A friend of mine just went through her first IVF. She harvested 21 eggs. They fertilized them, and 11 fertilized. 10 made it to an embryo stage. So now they have 10 embryos, 10 babies in my opinion. So here is my issue. Now what? I could not freeze my babies, I could not destroy my babies, I could not implant all 10... so what do you do? This is another dilemma that I have with IVF. We really do not want multiples (though I would be over the moon with twins, Rich would freak!) and your chance of multiples is 20-30% with IVF. Another reason that IVF is not for us.

I want a baby. I want to have a belly! I want to feel the kicks. I want to feel the warmth of my 6 year old's hand on my belly feeling his sibling kick for the first time. I want a trip to the hospital. I want my water to break. I want to watch my children dote over their baby brother or sister. I want to see my husband with his face shining on his newborn. I want fuzzy soft blankets. I want to nurse. I want to be a stay at home mom. I want to have "an announcement to make". I want the joy. I want the joy. I want this feeling of inadequateness and failure and longing to go away. I want the victory. I want the miracle.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Big, Fat, Hairy, Ugly Cyst

That's what has grown on my left ovary. A Big, Fat, Hairy, Ugly Cyst. Grrrrrr!! So the doc put me on b/c pills (I don’t think I have eaten one of those since the one time when I was 17!!!). I have to take those for a week, then go back for another u/s a week from tomorrow. If things look good, I will start the FSH and we will move forward.

Monday, February 11, 2008


AF arrived on Saturday. I am feeling ok. I felt early on last cycle that it would be a bust, so the BFN didn’t surprise me much. I am slipping deeper and deeper into fear and realization that “this” is most likely not going to happen for us. The pain of that is almost to much to even approach, so I am hanging out here on the edge of reality. For us, there has always been “next cycle”, and soon, there will be no “next cycle”. I guess I have always found comfort in next time, and not really thought about what I will feel with no possibility of next time. The pain encroaching on my heart is… I can’t even find a word for it… I feel the end of this journey is very near for us, and I fear that it isn’t going to be happily ever after. I have always had my happily ever after. Always. It’s difficult to think of facing a life without completion. *Sigh* That may not even make sense.

I really do think that counseling for this would be good for me, however, I think that to truly be “counseled” I need a doctor/therapist that understands my faith. My faith has a lot to do with the disappointment of this not happening. There are many questions that I need to work through, like, why is God doing this to me. I think it may be difficult to find a Christian councilor that specializes in infertility.

The plan for now is a u/s tomorrow morning. They wanted me in there today, cd3, but there was no way I could get away from work. She said that they usually don’t like to wait until cd4, but to come in and they will see how many follies I am working on. I have no idea what that means. Maybe we won’t be able to even do injectables this cycle due to the late u/s. I’ll know more tomorrow. I have a vial and a half left of the medication. That should get me through this cycle. Once that is gone, perhaps that will be all she wrote… we’ll take it day by day.

Friday, February 08, 2008


I tested this morning, BFN, again. Waiting for the doc to call and confirm it. Words alone cannot express my frustration, dissapointment, pain, fear, lack of understanding, confustion... I am reminded of Greg Pratt's quote... "we don't have to understand it all, that's why it is called faith."

Sorry, Becky reminded me that not everyone knows the lingo... BFN is Big Fat Negative... no baby for us this month.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I am usually freaking out at this point, peeing on anything that resembles a HPT, crunching and comparing numbers, researching, etc. This is what I am doing today.

I am 10 days post IUI and feeling pretty relaxed. The RE's nurse called today with the progesterone numbers and I told her I didn't want to know numbers. I was proud of me!! She did say that "things look good." So, so far, so good. She also said that I will not start my period while on the progesterone, so I will have a beta on Friday. Other than that, nothing new to report.
I did work on my challenge and have pics to post, but for some reason this laptop won't load them. I will post themwhen I get home.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Challenge

I saw this on another blog and thought it was a great idea! I am throwing out a closet challenge. Who wants to join me!? Another fun thing to keep my mind occupied in this 2ww!! So here's how you play. E-mail me a pic of your closet by 02/01/08. I will post all of the pics and then we will have the weekend to complete the makover! Send me your finished project pics on Monday 02/04/08 and I will post them on the blog! I know I need some motivation and I think this will be fun! So don't be a party pooper!! Send me your pics! It could be your closet, your kid's closet, your bathroom closet, just one that needs improvement!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Nothing new to report. So far so good, I am feeling relaxed and taking it easy. The obsession has not started yet!! YAY! I start progesterone suppositories tomorrow.

I will be going to Florida with Rich next week. I am looking forward to relaxing on the beach!!! What a way to spend the last half of the 2ww!

Here is an amazing clip about fertilization. I like being able to visualize what is going on inside of my body.

Here is some technical info about where I am in my cycle.
If a sperm penetrates the egg, fertilization results. Tiny hairlike cilia lining the fallopian tube propel the fertilized egg (zygote) through the tube toward the uterus. The cells of the zygote divide repeatedly as the zygote moves down the fallopian tube. The zygote enters the uterus in 3 to 5 days. In the uterus, the cells continue to divide, becoming a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst. If fertilization does not occur, the egg degenerates and passes through the uterus with the next menstrual period.If more than one egg is released and fertilized, the pregnancy involves more than one fetus, usually two (twins). Such twins are fraternal. Identical twins result when one fertilized egg separates into two embryos after it has begun to divide.

Development of the Blastocyst: Between 5 and 8 days after fertilization, the blastocyst attaches to the lining of the uterus, usually near the top. This process, called implantation, is completed by day 9 or 10.The wall of the blastocyst is one cell thick except in one area, where it is three to four cells thick. The inner cells in the thickened area develop into the embryo, and the outer cells burrow into the wall of the uterus and develop into the placenta. The wall of the blastocyst becomes the outer layer of membranes (chorion) surrounding the embryo. An inner layer of membranes (amnion) develops by about day 10 to 12, forming the amniotic sac. The amniotic sac fills with a clear liquid (amniotic fluid) and expands to envelop the developing embryo, which floats within it.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

IUI #3

Original Count:
Motility: first time 29% last month 45%, today 44%
Morphology: first time 54% last month 83%, today 62%
Count: first time 19.4 million last month 30 million, today 12.8 million

Final Count after processing:
Motility: first time 43% last month 65%, today 44%
Morphology: first time 65% last month 83%, today 66%
Count: first time 30.2 million last month 117.2 million, today 17.4 million

IUI was at 9am this morning. Rich's count was pretty low, but they say it only takes one. We had half the sperm, but twice the eggs. Usually we abstain from intercourse at least two days before the IUI, sometimes three days. Well this time we were not expecting to have the procedure done so soon, so we were together the day befor yesterday, not even a full 36 hours of rest before the sample was collected. I am really focusing on relaxing and not obsessing in this 2ww. We had friends over for dinner tonight and played games and had a great time. I think that I am going to go along with Rich on a business trip to Ft. Lauderdale, FL next week. 4 days of just relaxing in the sun. There will be NO TESTING done in this 2ww. Please be supportive of me in this and don't ask if I have tested or encourage me to test. The POAS (peeing on a stick) leads me into complete insanity and obsession, and I do not want to do that this time.

I am thankful to be done with the shots! I will have a progesterone level done in a week and maybe a beta in 13 days. I start progesterone supplements in a few days. She said it is just something that she tries. Well ok then! Stay tuned, I'll be sure to update, but there probably wont be much going on!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Two eggs= twins??

We are ready to go!! Cd10 and those follicles are all ready to pop! We ended up with two mature follicles on the right side, both measured 21mm!! She said that my lining was “beautiful” and that I should be proud! Yay!! I got the trigger this morning, we go in at 7am for the collection and sperm wash and then have the IUI at 9am. I am so excited!!

My good friend Becky has been praying for twins for us for quite some time. I called her this morning to let her know that we were ready for the IUI and also to let her know that there were two mature follicles. She was very excited and sure that twins are on their way. I thanked her for praying for twins because that would be a blessing that would be beyond words for us. I told her that I would be thrilled with twins, but I didn’t dare even ask God for such a blessing, because I feel like I am asking so much by praying for just one more miracle. I hope and pray so much for one, I don’t want to push it and ask for two!

I will update tomorrow with the numbers from the IUI! Pray for us!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


My baby is growing up so fast!!! Two teeth gone!!
Can you tell what we had for dinner tonight!?

Not to much to report. I have hit a wall with the shots. Tuesday night I just could not do it. It ws awful! I sat there for literally 75 minutes trying to do it and I just couldn't. I had to call poor nurse Charity at 9:30 at night to have her come over and do it. This shot does not hurt at all!!! It is just a total mental thing!! She did it again last night, and I am hoping that I can do it tonight to show Rich so that he can do it.

I felt a lot of bloating yesterday. It was quite painful and crampy. I called the RE, they said to take it easy. I felt fine today. A few O pains, but nothing terrible.

I go at 8am for my u/s tomorrow. I will be cd10 with 7 shots in. I am hoping that we will be able to tell when the IUI will be. I am thinking it will be earlier than usual. I will be sure to post when I get done!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Cycle day 7 for me. (Cherie had asked, I forgot to share) Estrogen level is 198. The nurse says that it is perfect! Things seem to be moving along pretty smoothly. Next u/s in Friday.

The shots are not getting easier. I thought they would. It still takes me forever to get the nerve up to do it!! Eeeek!

I am not charting this cycle. I am trying no to crunch the numbers to much. I did ask for the estrogen level today though, but I did not ask for the follie size. I also am not going to ask for the progesterone # when the time comes. I am trying to remove things that make me obsess. So far, so go!

Just a quick update

I had my u/s this morning. She measured 5 follies. Two large ones on the right and three on the left. She said everything looked perfect. The nurse drew the estrogen level and they said they would call me this afternoon to let me know if I need to adjust the dose any and also schedule my next u/s. All is well! I will post again tonight once I know when the next appt is.

Are there any of you lurking out there that have been through this? I am so new to this, I have no clue what this means. If they measured 5 today, is that the most we can expect or can new ones grow? I know that all 5 will most likely not mature and produce and egg, but what are the chances? I would love to hear from any of you that have been through this.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


My baby has lost his first tooth!! And today he lost his second!! I just cannot believe how quickly they grow up. One minute you are rocking him in the nursery during a middle of the night feeding, the next he has lost a tooth. Times passes by so quickly!
I did my second shot tonight. It took just as long as the first! I need to get past the mental aspect of it all. I was thinking this morning how crazy it is that I actually gave myself a shot. I mean, aren't you supposed to go to school for that?! Have a license or something! I am not nurse material!!
Rich was sharing some of his bible study with me last week, and there were several things that he said that I wanted to share on this blog. The teaching come from "The Message of the Sermon on the Mount" by John R.W. Stott.
"Ask, and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him?"
First, his promises are attached to direct commands: These may deliberately be in an ascending scale of urgency. Richard Glover suggests that a child, if his mother is near and visible, asks; if she is neither, he seeks; while if she is inaccessible in her room, he knocks. Be that as it may, all three verbs are present imperatives and indicate that persistence with which we should make our requests known to God. Secondly, the promises are expressed in universal statements: for every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened.
Prayer sounds very simple when Jesus teaches about it (in the Sermon on the Mount speech). Just in each case you will be answered. This is a deceptive simplicity, however; much lies behind it. First, prayer presupposes knowledge. Since God gives gifts only if they accord with his will, we have to take pains to discover his will- by Scripture meditation and by the exercise of a Christian mind schooled by Scripture meditation. Secondly, prayer presupposes faith. It is one thing to know God's will; it is another to humble ourselves before him and express our confidence that he is able to cause his will to be done. Thirdly, prayer presupposes desire. We may know God's will and believe he can perform it, and still not desire it. Prayer is the chief means God has ordained by which to express our deepest desires. This is the reason why the 'ask-seek-knock' commands are in the present imperative and in an ascending scale to challenge out perseverance. Thus, before we ask, we must know what to ask for and whether it accords with God's will; we must believe God can grant it; and we must genuinely want to receive. Then the gracious promises of Jesus will come true.
Rich and I had a good conversation about this portion of the book. I told him that I believe all of this, and I pray this way, but my hang up is that I don't feel that I know what God's will is in this situation. Well as I re-type this tonight, several verses in the bible stick out in my mind.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.~ Jeremiah 29:11
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.~ Psalm 20:4
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.~ Psalm 37:4
12Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 13But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.~ 1 Peter 4:12-13
I have always envisioned His glory being revealed in a child for us. That has always been my hope and my prayer. The portion of the bible lesson above tells us to seek God's will in the words of our only line of communication with Him, the Bible. My Bible tells me that God loves me and that I am his child. My Bible tells me that he wants to give me the desires of my heart. I am going to believe that this is God's will for me and my family. I believe that God wants me to have this child. I believe that He would not burden my heart so strongly, only to have it ultimately broken. If I believe this 100%, I put myself at a large risk of being let down. Perhaps that is what has held me back. Thus, before we ask, we must know what to ask for and whether it accords with God's will; we must believe God can grant it; and we must genuinely want to receive.
My Heavenly Gracious Father,
I ask you tonight to bless my family with a child. I ask you to place that child in my womb this month, created through the deep love that Rich and I share. Not created through science or medicine, but created by you and only you, the giver and taker of life. I ask for a brother or sister that Kaitlyn can love and be an example to. I ask for a brother or sister that Khloe will help nurture and cuddle. I ask for a brother or sister that Drew will be able to be a big brother to. I ask for a child that Rich and I can drink up like a tall glass of water after a long days work. A child that we can hold together and marvel at your wonderful creation. A child that I can look at at see yet another combination of myself and my wonderful husband. A child that I can smell and nurse and treasure each and every moment with. I ask for a health pregnancy. I ask for excited moments when my children get to feel Mommy's belly as their sibling kicks. I ask for ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. I ask for a miracle Father, just one more miracle. I know that this is in accordance with your will. Your Word tells me. I believe that You are the ONLY one that can make this happen Lord. I know that you are the orchestrator of my life. We are ready to receive your blessing Lord. We have waited and waited, and we are ready. Please send us the miracle that we have been waiting for Father. It is in Jesus' precious name that I ask these things~ Amen