Thursday, August 16, 2012

Session Six!

We are chuggin along in our PRIDE training.  We complete session six of nine tonight.  We opted to take the fast track and complete the 27 hours of required training in one month instead of the standard 9 weeks.  In order to do this we drive 90 minutes one way.  It makes for a very long Monday and Thursday.  Today I was up at 6:30 to get two kids to cross country practice and then to work by 8.  I will work until 4 and then make the drive to Urbana, have class and return home at 10:30pm.  *yawn*  It makes me tired just thinking about it.  But...that is how serious/dedicated we are :)  Or crazy, I'm not sure which. 

We had our second homestudy visit this week with our licensing worker.  It was short and sweet and to the point.  She checked out our new beds and verified that guns and meds were locked.  She answered questions from training and said she would be back for her final visit once we had completed our classes.
We are eager to see what God has in store for us.  We are eager for the first call and the first placement.  We are eager to finish up on our classes!  This is going to be an adventure and I can't wait to see it all unfold!

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